Hair & Beauty Magazine

Alison Claire - Lime Lip Balm

By Iheartmexo @iheartmexoxo
Hey guys,
If you remember, I previously reviewed some shampoo and conditioner by Alison Claire which I thought were nice. I'll be reviewing their lime lip balm today. Lip balm really is an essential. I used to be one of those people who really didn't care about lip balms or lip scrubs etc but then I discovered lipsticks. And to wear your lipstick properly (and nicely) I think we all need to condition our lips. I know I did! haha
I've been using this lime lip balm for the past month and thought the time was right to review it.
Alison Claire - Lime Lip balmAlison Claire - Lime Lip balmAlison Claire - Lime Lip balmAlison Claire - Lime Lip balmLime Lip Balm £2.50As I previously mentioned, all their products are natural meaning they are really great for you. The lip balm comes is a little container and smells exactly like lemons and limes. Quite a lemonade kind of a scent which I thought was nice and fresh. It also contains grapeseed oil, cocoa butter and avocado oil. The lip balm is suitable for vegans and even has defensive properties against UV light which I think is really great! The lip balm itself is very light. It's not of a thick consistency but more like a light oil. It's quite hard in the container but once you get the product on your finger tip it melts into a thin oil like consistency. This is not at all greasy either. The thing that I like about this is the fact it can be worn under a lipstick because of it's light weight properties. You can even apply it on top of your lipstick if you like without getting that thick and heavy layer. It absorbs really quickly too and doesn't just sit on top of your skin. I've really been enjoying using this and so far it has been lovely! And such a great price too! 
Have you tried any Alison Claire Lip balms?Hareem x

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