Gaming Magazine

Alice and The Magical Dragons 1.0 APK

Posted on the 10 November 2016 by Apkadsense @apkadsense

Alice and The Magical Dragons v1.0 APK: For Alice to continue to exist inside the magical world, no one must understand that she comes from the world of humans !!
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Alice and the paranormal Dragons

now not till it’s clean what all this is about and who is the enemy and who’s a friend. Why is Alice the only one in this worldwho can see the dragons?

Wizards are very clear approximately who is and who isn’t welcome in their world. Alice has to begin a journey to earn the right to stay in the magical international. fortuitously there also are wizards that want to assist Alice and educate her many useful spells.

Double the length of the first component
The classic hand-painted journey game (factor and click)
New from the crew
friendly charge, your charge helps similarly improvement of the game

help: within the menu you could get tips to any place in the sport, you can additionally locate your amassed objects there and you can turn on and rancid the tune and sounds or restart the sport.

Alice and The Magical Dra Download Link: DOWNLOAD APK (24 MB) Alice and The Magical Dra APK Version History:Alice and The Magical Dra DOWNLOAD APK (22 MB)

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