Fashion Magazine

Aging With Anthony Cerniello's Simulation: MindBlowing!

By Twynkleloves @TwynkleLoves

How amazing it this video! I stared at it intently, trying not to blink in case I missed a thing. Yet it's so astonishing how the change happens before your very eyes but you still can't pinpoint when its happening.
That was Anthony Cerniello's mission with his fantastic aging simulation video (above)and his painstaking process to achieve it. Using his friend Danielle as a model, Cernielloturned her into a compositeby combining photos of her relatives, young and old, who have the greatest facial resemblance, reported. Then animators and a 3D specialist helped bring the subtle transitions to life."I attempted to create a person in order to emulate the aging process," Cerniello wrote on his Vimeo page. "The idea was that something is happening but you can't see it but you can feel it, like aging itself."(Credit: HuffingtonPost)
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