Career Magazine

AFCAT Full Form, What is the Full Form of AFCAT?

Posted on the 28 July 2020 by Marugujarat

Full form of AFCAT

The Full form of AFCAT is Air Force Common Admission Test.

AFCAT Full Form

AFCAT is directed by the Indian Air Force for enrollment of applicants into Flying (Short Service Commission just), Technical (Permanent and Short Service Commission) and Ground Duty (Permanent and Short Service Commission) Branches. The Flying branch comprises of warriors, transports and helicopters and the Technical branch manages the mechanical and electronic viewpoints, while the Ground Duty branch involves organization, accounts, coordinations, instruction and meteorology.

The Permanent Commission alludes to a profession in the Indian Air Force until retirement and the short help commission implies a restricted period vocation in the IAF. The expression for the SSC is 14 years and it won’t be stretched out upon culmination.

By composing the AFCAT, one can join either the Permanent Commission or the Short Service Commission of the IAF. AFCAT is additionally alluded to as the Indian Air Force Exam.

The AFCAT is led two times every year, once in February and the other in August. Built-up in 2011, the IAF initiates its officials for every one of its branches, aside from the clinical and dental branches. Unmarried Indian guys with an age limit from 20 to 26 years (for Technical and Ground Duty branch) and 20 to 24 years (for Flying branch) are qualified to apply for AFCAT.

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