what is meta tag
Meta description is a HTML attribute which is often used by searchengine to reach your post so beside good title you also add meta description for your every post while meta description for post page
or search page is not much important because search page include different post pages which is often used in navigation.
Meta description tag is the one of the main component of on page seo.it tell the crawler bot about your post.It describe the post to crawler bot that this post is about that topic. so crawler bots know that is post is relevant to the search .it is important that you add meta description about your topic.hag have different purpose , like title tag is use by crawler so that your page will be crawl if matched.well it is recommended and all blogger know that meta description is good part of seo to rank your site high in search engines.it also give description to the post while sharing in social .
How to add meta description
First of all you have to login to your blogger account thengo to your blog and go to setting