Culture Magazine

Actev Arrow is the Perfect Electric Vehicle for Your Kids!

By Vecie78 @NeverSayCool

Ever wanted to get your kids out of the house and you are still struggling to do so? A “fun fun” modern toy has been produced by Actev, an electric motorised vehicle which you can control from your smartphone. What you can do to keep your children safe is monitor the play area and limit the kart speed so that once your kid get good at it you can change the parameters.

The app connects to the Smart-Kart via WiFi and equips parents with several safety features:

● Adjustable maximum speed limit (up to 12 mph)
● Collision avoidance automatically stops Arrow if an obstacle is detected
● Emergency stop button immediately halts Arrow
● Geo-fencing prevents the driver from going outside a parent-defined geographic boundary
● Inactivity timer alerts the parent if Arrow is motionless for a selectable time period

Screenshot 2016-02-15 at 16.20.34

actev arrow

actev arrow kart

The Arrow Smart-Kart, priced at $599.95, is now available to pre-order online and will begin shipping in early summer 2016.

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