Acer on Friday launched Iconia A1, a 7.9 inch budget tablet in India, to compete with the Android tablet market and is going to be a close rival with ipad Mini. The 7.9 inch tablet runs on a 1.2 GHz quad-core processor and has 1GB of memory. The Acer tablet is available in 2 variants- 8GB/16GB with the option of expanding memory via microSD card.
The Acer Iconia A1 has a MediaTek MT8125 chipset. The tablet runs on Android 4.2 Jelly bean and is equipped with 3,250mAh battery. Acer Iconia tablet has 2 camera the main one of 5 megapixel camera with auto focus and capable of video recording at 1080p full HD and has screen resolution of 1024x768.The Acer Iconia A1-811 is epected to hit the market later this month and is priced at $199.99
Acer Iconia A1-811 key specifications
7.9-inch IPS Display at 1024 x 768
1.2 GHz quad-core processor
1GB of RAM
8GB/16GB internal storage
5-megapixel rear camera
VGA front-facing
3,250 mAh battery
Android 4.2 Jelly Bean
208.7 x 145.7 x 10.5 mm
460 grams