Family Magazine

Abbie's 13 Month Update

By Ourbabyblog @OurBabyBlogx
Another month has come and gone, they seem to be flying by now, you are officially a toddler and boy do we know it! Your little personality is coming to life everyday, you make us laugh so much with your cheeky antics..Like when we say 'No' to something, you either respond by saying 'No' back or you just completely ignore us and carry on..we are putting that part down to you not knowing what it means yet though! Hehe.Abbie's 13 Month Update

You are walking so much now, it seemed to happen over night, one day you took your first steps, the next you were moving from one sofa to the other, then before we knew it you were walking around the whole living room like you'd been doing it for years! Your little legs are getting less shaky now and you're starting to get really confident with it, the best part is when Daddy comes home from work, you walk right up to him and give him cuddles, he loves it :)

You are in 9-12 month clothes mainly but also just starting to get into 12-18 months, thank goodness because for your birthday I bought all winter clothes in that size! We weighed you using the wii the other day and you currently weigh 21lbs :)

Abbie's 13 Month Update

You had your 1 year injections on Tuesday, 3 of them! You were so brave, plus it was the first time Mummy has come in with you, i couldnt bear to see you in any sort of pain, even if it is for a short moment, but I wanted to be there this  time just incase you wanted your comfort buddy boob! So Daddy sat down with you and mommy was reading you a book, you only cried for about 5 seconds then you had forgotten all about it! We had to sit in the waiting room for 5 mins just to see if you would react to it so you decided you wanted to show off and walk around, such a brave little girl!
Abbie's 13 Month Update

Routine wise, you wake up around 6.30am, you don't really like eating breakfast, you just throw it across the floor so we are trying to encourage you that it is breakfast time, but for now we give you a banana and you eat it all up! You have your first nap between 9-9.30, usually for 2 hours, then it's lunch time, your afternon nap is around 2.30, for about an hour-2 hours, then its dinner time, lots of play time, bath time, then bed time is at 7.30! Obviously there are lots of activities packed in our day as well, we always have a walk, you love being outside, and smile at everyone and every animal we pass, you're the happiest baby I know!

Abbie's 13 Month Update

You talk all the time, people often comment how much (I guess you take after your Daddy on that one!. You can say Mummy, Daddy, Baby, Abbie, Ready, Up, Monkey, Biscuit, Oink Oink, Meow, Yeah, No, Neooooow (Airplane noise), Boobie, Three (when we say One, Two...), You, Me, you can also beatbox (i'm serious, Daddy taught you and you're always doing it), you sing along with Daddy too! Oh oh oh, and you now have your first tooth! Maybe now you'll be able to eat more :)
Abbie's 13 Month Update

Favourite things; Bread, bananas, blueberries, pasta, peas, green beans, carrots & potatoes! Waybuloo, theme tunes, being outside, making a mess, the hoover, your yellow chair, the jumperoo, bath time & your books!Things you don't like; Being told 'no', falling on your bum (you will pick up the nearest thing and throw it in frustration), being woken up, when we close the kitchen door..We are so lucky to have such a happy and beautiful little girl, you make us the happiest people alive!We love you so much baby girl!:)Mummy & Daddy


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