Culture Magazine

Abandoned Detroit-Cass Tech Photography Project

By Vecie78 @NeverSayCool
Culture One of several biology labs.

Published on July 25th, 2013 | by neversa3


Abandoned Detroit-Cass Tech Photography Project

“Now and Then”is a compelling series of pictures which want to express the rapid rate of deterioration of abandoned buildings in Detroit.

Abandoned Detroit-Cass Tech Photography Project

The anonymous photographer superimposed old yearbook photos onto photos of the exact same location, showing striking contrast between the past and present especially in the “Cass Tech High School” images.

Abandoned Detroit-Cass Tech Photography Project

According to, no other major city in America has experienced such rapid growth and decline as Detroit. The city, designed for two million people, now contains less than a third of that population.

Abandoned Detroit-Cass Tech Photography Project

Abandoned Detroit-Cass Tech Photography Project

Visit to see the rest of the series.

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