So we set off from NYC early around 8amShiyi's husband drove the entire journey (thanks Tony!)And arrived around 12.
We were so hungry when we got there, so we checked into our hotel and went to Nandos to grab some food. If you've never heard of nandos, it is basically a portugese peri peri chicken restraunt from the UK. There are select locations throughout the US - but none in New York unfortunately.This was the closest one - so I HAD to try it!My verdict: not as good as the UK! I usually get a veggie burger and it was a completely different burger which was actually not nice at all.Sorry Nandos but you're gona have to up you're USA game.
After we ate, we wanted to go check out the Blossoms & of corse get that perfect blossom pic ;)The blossoms were a peak bloom when we were here, and I have to say they looked beautiful!

It was also FREEZING I don't know if you can tell?We got some great pictures though and a few instax ones too! ( Maybe I will add them to this post later)I would definitely recommend visiting the blossoms in DC - it's so pretty and there are PLENTY of them. They literally surround an entire lake so you can also take a walk around the lake if you wanted to.
After all the Blossom hype, we went to look at some of the famous monuments. Peter was pretty excited to see the Lincoln Memorial - Me being British and extremely bad at history had never heard of it until this day, but I have to say it is very impressive!

At this point we were FREEZING! so we decided to head back to the hotel via the whitehouseWe actually struggled to even see where this even was, It's pretty well hidden - and not as big as I expected.Plus there are like 10 barriers in front of the garden so you're really far away.But hey, not even that interesting anyway, just one of those things you kinda have to see because you're there.

We then uber'd it back to the hotel and freshened up before going out for some dinner.We chose a nice Thai restaurant close to the hotel called Soi 38Had to wait about 20 mins for a table, but the food was pretty good!My pineapple fried rice was served in an ACTUAL pineapple. I'm deffo a fan of instagrammable food ;)
We felt like playing a bit of pool after, so found a place pretty close by calledbuffalo Billiards Was pretty booming with students, so we weren't able to get a pool tableWe gave 'Shuffle board' a go instead which actually turned out to be way more fun than we expected.Girls vs Boys and they god damn won GR.Would deffo come back here though, not too boujee and relaxed atmosphere.
The next day we got up and went for some breakfast / brunch at a lovely place calledBluestone Lane

It was a pretty long wait but I guess thats because it was so good!I had a combo of granola and avacado toastGreat because I can NEVER decide which to go for Would recommend this place if you have 20 mins to spare to wait for a table or if not then a walk out latte :)
We finished off our trip by going to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, which was actually AMAZING!I'll add some pics later as they're on my camera (and i am at work rn) I love the fact it has everything from the first aircraft to the most current space rocket!I'd say you could spend a whole day easily there ( we only had a few hours)
After this we hit the road back to NYC and had a cheeky Mcdoanlds en Route (oops)
Thoroughly enjoyed our weekend in DC, & would deffo love to visit again sometime.
But for now I'm off to the gym! Night guys x