Lifestyle Magazine

A Very Personal Wedding, Our Way! Callum and Leanne

By Claire

I know you’ll love today’s wed­ding blog — it’s spe­cial because Leanne and Cal­lum had a very per­sonal wed­ding. I always ask cou­ples to describe their wed­ding style, and their answer was sweet and sim­ple: “our own!

The images are by reportage wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Adam Riley. My huge thanks to Adam, and to Leanne and Cal­lum for shar­ing your wed­ding story with us today. Con­grat­u­la­tions to an amaz­ing cou­ple! Every­one — enjoy! Claire xxx

UK wedding blog documentary photography Adam Riley (2)

UK wedding blog documentary photography Adam Riley (3)

UK wedding blog documentary photography Adam Riley (4)

UK wedding blog documentary photography Adam Riley (5)

UK wedding blog documentary photography Adam Riley (6)

UK wedding blog documentary photography Adam Riley (7)

UK wedding blog documentary photography Adam Riley (8)

UK wedding blog documentary photography Adam Riley (9)

UK wedding blog documentary photography Adam Riley (10)

UK wedding blog documentary photography Adam Riley (11)

UK wedding blog documentary photography Adam Riley (12)

Wed­ding venue:

Cripps Barn, Glouces­ter­shire

Wed­ding photographer:

Adam Riley, Cheshire doc­u­men­tary wed­ding photographer

A lit­tle about the wed­ding ceremony:

We got mar­ried at the venue in front of a huge stone hearth sur­rounded by plants grown by our friend James, includ­ing giant sun­flow­ers in pots, grasses and wild flow­ers. The cer­e­mony itself was short but mean­ing­ful… just the way we wanted it.

Invi­ta­tions and recep­tion stationery:

We designed these our­selves with some tech­ni­cal help from my brother. Unknow­ingly the color that we chose for the font was the same color that we ended up choos­ing for the brides­maids’ dresses.

Wed­ding music and entertainment:

We hired a fan­tas­tic French accor­dion­ist to play for the guests out­side the venue before and after the cer­e­mony. Every­one seemed to love it and cre­ated a really nice feel­ing. Our friend Al played the music dur­ing the cer­e­mony and then car­ried on into the night with some hand-picked North­ern Soul, 80’s clas­sics and trop­i­cal disco hits that got every­one up on their feet!

What did you wear?

Leanne: sec­ond hand dress, hand­made hair comb and my Mum’s neck­lace that she wore on her wed­ding day

Cal­lum: Suit from Reiss, tan coloured shoes, knit­ted navy straight tie bought online

Mem­o­rable wed­ding day moments: All of it!

Wed­ding day advice:

Stay calm and enjoy every sec­ond because it goes so fast.

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers:

UK wedding blog documentary photography Adam Riley (13)

UK wedding blog documentary photography Adam Riley (14)

UK wedding blog documentary photography Adam Riley (15)

UK wedding blog documentary photography Adam Riley (16)

UK wedding blog documentary photography Adam Riley (17)

UK wedding blog documentary photography Adam Riley (18)

UK wedding blog documentary photography Adam Riley (19)

UK wedding blog documentary photography Adam Riley (20)

UK wedding blog documentary photography Adam Riley (21)

UK wedding blog documentary photography Adam Riley (22)

UK wedding blog documentary photography Adam Riley (23)

UK wedding blog documentary photography Adam Riley (24)

UK wedding blog documentary photography Adam Riley (25)

UK wedding blog documentary photography Adam Riley (26)

UK wedding blog documentary photography Adam Riley (27)

UK wedding blog documentary photography Adam Riley (28)

UK wedding blog documentary photography Adam Riley (29)

UK wedding blog documentary photography Adam Riley (30)

UK wedding blog documentary photography Adam Riley (31)

UK wedding blog documentary photography Adam Riley (32)

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