Arts & Crafts Magazine

A Very Big Quilt

By Bertyc @bertyc

A very big quilt A very big quilt

A very big quilt
I've been making this quilt for over a year.
A very big quilt
It started last year with a trip to London, a stop at Liberty to have a look at the fabric sale, and the wish to make a simple quilt.
A very big quilt
It developed into me staring at various fabric websites, eventually buying more floral fabric, and rearranging the squares so that I could shove the pictures on Instagram, completing the circle of life every craft blogger should aspire to.
A very big quilt
This mammoth project ended with me clearing my parents and all their furniture out of their downstairs dining room so that I could lay my quilt flat to crawl around on my hands and knees and pin these bits of fabric together.
A very big quilt
It's also not a secret that I love flowers and floral fabric. This is well documented and that's ok, what else do you expect from a craft blogger? That's why the quilt has a heavy emphasis on floral fabrics. I like pretty stuff and I'm not afraid let everyone know.
A very big quilt
A very big quilt
It's madness, it has taken forever and may have made me strain a muscle in my neck, but when my grandchildren are wiping their snotty noses on it at Christmas, I'll be filled with joy knowing they are enjoying my labor intensive handmade crafts.
A very big quilt
Anyway, I've finished it now, and I'm quite proud of it, probably proportionately so after 14 months of hard slog. The strained neck muscle was kind of worth it. What projects are you working on that are taking forever and/or have meant you've injured yourself?

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