I absolutely love to work with my hands. Ever since I was a little girl, I always found myself working on some kind of project, needless to say, my favourite subject in school was Arts and Crafts. We learnt how to crotchet, knit, weave, loom, sew..we even learned how to solder and rivet metal. When I was growing up,we had a home for orphaned girls in the neighbourhood that was run by Ananda Marga, a spiritual movement I never got to find out what it was about. At the home they had young girls who were about my age at the time (9-10). They were taught how to sew and knit and do all the wonderful things I loved to do, so when school was out, I would run over for a lesson or two.It was there that I learned how to use a sewing machine. They had almost 20 sewing machines in one room and all the girls gathered there to learn the craft, I still don’t understand up to this day why they allowed me to be part of their class although I was neither an orphan nor did I live there. I was taught how to cut cloth and sew it together and I loved it.
Fast forward 20 years,I am still in love with arts and crafts. So yesterday I decided to go to Jo ann for the first time. I had always seen it on my way to Walmart, but I never gave it much thought. So yesterday I found myself venturing into the unknown. The moment I walked in I felt like I was home, amazing! I strolled through the store, looking at all the cloth, the threads, the paints and canvas, it was simply amazing. I then went to the back of the store where they have all the jewelery making materials and I was in heaven.I thought of all the possibilities, the earrings I could make, the necklaces and bracelets. It was settled, I was going to make jewelery. So I bought my starter kit which included a pair of round nose tongs, wire and lots and lots of beads.
My Starter KitSo I got home super excited and I couldn’t wait to get started. I made a few earrings. These are my favourites to far.
Blue drop earringsAfrican love earringsGlass bead earringsI guess I found a new hobby, I am looking forward to creating even more earrings. One could say the craft bug bit me a long time ago!