Fashion Magazine

A Trip to Howarth

By Bethtinkerbell @TinksLostGirls

Yesterday I met up with my old friend Hannah for a day out together, we decided that we would take a trip to Howarth because neither of us had been in a while and it’s a lovely quaint town, plus who doesn’t love the home of the Brontes.
When we arrived at Howarth we decided to take a walk down to the bottom of the main street, purely because it’s quite a steep hill and so walking back up would be much easier if we were popping into shops along the way.
The first shop we stepped foot in was one that was full of knick-knacks and bits of pieces that you want to add to your home but at the same time know that you don’t have much use for it. It was a place where you have to rummage to find the gems! DSCN4345
It looks so inviting for a rummage! 2013-07-26 11.39.07
I spotted ‘The Girl Guide Annual’ 2013-07-26 11.40.01
I also spotted a picnic hamper which I would have loved to take home! 2013-07-26 11.41.04
Cookery household manual, we have one of these in our kitchen! 2013-07-26 11.42.40
Seeing this book made me giggle! We stopped in a little vintage shop called Oh La La we had great fun looking around and trying things on. I tried on a vintage dress and discovered that my arms were too fat, which is a first for me! I normally have issues getting things on over my boobs and not my arms. I did come away with a vintage headscarf which only cost me £5, I think I went back to it about 3 times while we were in the shop! 2013-07-26 12.04.38
They had a beautiful wedding dress on display! 2013-07-26 12.04.56
I love the suitcase and the cups and saucers. We then decided to stop for lunch at a lovely cafe called The Stirrup, I started my lunch of with a lovely glass of Pimms! Hannah ordered a goats cheese, tomato, rocket, and basil pesto on ciabatta bread which looked lovely! I went for soup of the day which was Leek and Potato, it was delicious, so much so that I spilt it on myself. The chef very kindly brought out a damp cloth for me so that I could clean myself up. I really enjoyed our lunch and the food was reasonably priced for how scrumptious it was, I know that sometimes you can go to touristy places and you find that it can be quite expensive for food that isn’t too spectacular. I was also impressed that there were a number of different soups to choose from for soup of the day, with an option for a chilled soup. 2013-07-26 12.30.54
Pimms in the sun. We also paid a visit to shop that is loved by us both Rose & Co Apothecary, it is absolutely beautiful inside, and you do feel as though you’ve stepped back in time! They sell many beautiful products, you can buy cake soaps, pick up some Paul and Joe makeup, or even stock up on beautiful knickers! I must admit that I do fancy a few pairs of their knickers, they are all so beautiful, I especially loved the tutu knickers, not so sure they’ll look so great under a pair of jeans though. 2013-07-26 13.38.30
Some beautiful soaps! 2013-07-26 13.42.25
The gorgeous Vivian of Holloway dress that Hannah fell in love with. 2013-07-26 13.43.23
Tutu knickers! 2013-07-26 13.43.38
Don’t forget kinky knickers! We also took a trip to St Michaels Chuch in Howarth, which is where Patrick Bronte was incumbent. The church is beautiful and there is small Bronte chapel within the church which has a plaque in memory of the family. 2013-07-26 14.00.17
Bronte Chapel 2013-07-26 14.01.58
Bronte family plaque After our visit to the church we went to the gift shop of the Bronte Parsonage Museum where I picked up a copy of The Tennant of Wildfell Hall. I can’t wait to give it a read especially as the BBC 1996 adaptation had a small part of it filmed at my Grandmas farm, hopefully i’ll be able to recognize it! We then went and had ice cream, which is a warm day essential! We took a walk down to the park and sat and chatted for a small while. 2013-07-26 14.22.55-1
Nom nom nom! It was lovely to spend the day with Hannah, it was ones of those times when as soon as you get together it doesn’t feel as though it’s been years since you last got together.
Have you ever been to the home of the Brontes?
You can find Hannah's blog post of our day here

Tink x

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