Family Magazine

A Tribute to #1 Hubby

By Parentalparody @parental_parody
On the eve of his 30-something birthday, I feel that it is only fair to post something dedicated to #1 Hubby that is slightly nicer than my last post.
A tribute to #1 Hubby goes....

The other day, I dedicated my ranty-tanty soapbox post to #1 Hubby and his knack for not having a knack with solo-parenting.  He morphs into my 4th child the very second he's left alone with the 3 that I actually gave birth to.

All of that  malice  disappointment was wiped out with one single act.
The toilet roll holder was pulled off the wall by one or all three of the kids (destruction and demolition are the only times they come together to work as a team).

I'd been lamenting it for a  week or three  few days in the lead up to Easter, mostly because I was estimating the nagging time and effort that would be required on my part, to get #1 Hubby to Bunnings (kinda like Walmart or Home Depot for you USA types) to source a suitable replacement.  Being that his work sees him in or around Bunnings on a daily basis, it should've already happened before I had time to sit and ponder, while I sat and....y'know....

A tribute to #1 Hubby

So, imagine my shock and delight when - upon returning from the hellish extended Easter break - I couldn't locate the toilet roll while blindly reaching around behind the toilet with my knickers around my ankles.  Getting slightly pissy (metaphorically speaking), while flailing and failing to maintain balance, I finally spotted the toilet roll.  On the holder.  Attached to the wall.

For the first time in living history (or, at least, the first time in our 15 years together) #1 Hubby has fixed something with only ONE SINGLE MENTION from yours truly.  No nagging required.  No reminding.  No threatening or badgering.  And...the best part?  NO BRAGGING ABOUT HIS MAMMOTH EFFORTS AFTERWARDS!

That's right, he did not even expect me to drop to the ground and worship at his feet for his 15 minutes of home maintenance (I was going to say "drop to my knees and show my gratitude" - but that would've sounded totally wrong, and no toilet roll holder is worth that much thanks).
A tribute to #1 Hubby

So #1 Hubby, on the eve of your birthday, as I prepare to leave you at home with the kids while I go out for the night, this is my promise to you :
I promise to call you at an unreasonable hour to come and pick me up (sound familiar?)
I promise to shower you with drunken gratitude while you shhh me (sound familiar?)
I promise to promise you lovin' for your birthday
I promise to let you watch sport all day, and 'drink' your cake without reprimand
A tribute to #1 Hubby

Happy Birthday for tomorrow #1 Hubby.  I know I'm a day early, but I predict I shall be feeling a bit under the weather tomorrow, and possibly less perky and jazzed and enthusiastic about anything other than coffee, greasy food and silence.

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