Lifestyle Magazine

A Traditional English Wedding at Rushton Hall in Northamptonshire

By Claire

“The way my heart raced as I walked down the aisle and greeted Austin at the front, then how I just couldn’t quite get my words out on the sec­ond part of my vows, mak­ing every­one in church cry.”

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (2)

Huge con­grat­u­la­tions to such a won­der­ful cou­ple, and thank you to you both for shar­ing your day on the Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog. Thank you also to the very lovely Sarah Vivi­enne Pho­tog­ra­phy for the sub­mis­sion. Enjoy! Claire xxx

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (3)

A beau­ti­fully tra­di­tional Eng­lish wed­ding — Carys and Austin at Rush­ton Hall

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (4)

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (5)

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (6)

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (7)

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (8)

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (9)

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (10)

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (11)

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (12)

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (13)

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (14)

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (15)

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (16)

Wed­ding venue:

Church: St Mary’s, Pod­ing­ton, Bed­ford­shire.
Recep­tion: Rush­ton Hall, Rush­ton, Northamptonshire.

Wed­ding photographer:

Sarah Vivi­enne Pho­tog­ra­phy, Northamp­ton, Northamptonshire.

How would you describe your wed­ding style?

Clas­sic, Vin­tage, Sophis­ti­cated & Grand but with a mod­ern twist.

Invi­ta­tions and recep­tion stationery:

Wed­ding Para­pher­na­lia, Roth­well, Northamp­ton­shire.
All of our sta­tionery was themed with white pearl card and sil­ver card, white or sil­ver rib­bons, and lit­tle crys­tals.
Wed­ding Para­pher­na­lia are one of my lovely team of wed­ding blog spon­sors, spe­cial­is­ing in ele­gant and time­less wed­ding sta­tionery and acces­sories. Find out more about them and see favorite items and ideas — Ele­gant wed­ding sta­tionery by Wed­ding Paraphernalia

What did you wear?

Bride: Dress: Layla by Char­lotte Bal­bier, Tiara: Miranda Tem­ple­ton, Veil: From Char­lotte Harley Bridal Cou­ture, as was my dress & tiara, Heart of the Shires Shop­ping Vil­lage, Near Wee­don, Northamp­ton­shire. Shoes: Ella by Rain­bow Club.

Groom: Hired from War­wicks of Welling­bor­ough.

A lit­tle about the wed­ding ceremony:

Our church ser­vice started at 11am, it seemed an early wed­ding was unusual, as a lot of peo­ple com­mented, “isn’t that early”, but we had so much to get in and our recep­tion venue was a good 45 min­utes away. We had booked 3 vin­tage cars, all white ones, so we knew these would take a lit­tle longer than a stan­dard car too. We had a 1963 Rolls Royce Sil­ver Cloud, a 1973 Daim­ler 7 Seater Lim­ou­sine and a 1968 Jaguar 420, again we wanted to keep with the tra­di­tional grand white wed­ding theme. They were dec­o­rated with sil­ver and white rib­bons and bows.

I had care­fully selected our vicar, our lit­tle vil­lage church doesn’t have a full time vicar, so we have dif­fer­ent vic­ars that come and take the ser­vices on Sun­days when they are able to. So I felt this gave me a good idea of which vicar would be able to com­plete our cer­e­mony with­out mis­takes – how wrong I was with my choice!!! On the day he for­got to input 2 hymns and had to be reminded and he also for­got to say “you may now kiss the bride” so we had to do our own kiss when we could!! It’s given us all some­thing to remember!

There’s a group of ladies in the vil­lage that always do the flow­ers in church, and they asked if we would like them to do our flower dis­plays in the church, so we kindly accepted. The florist that we booked to do all of our other flow­ers placed some large organza bows on the end of the church pews. It was sim­ple, but effec­tive, we wanted the beauty of the church to be in the fore­front and not our decorations.

We had some wicker ham­pers in the porch of the church, filled with real rose petals; they were white with pink edges on. We invited our guest to take some petals on the way out of the church. Hav­ing real rose petals that would biode­grade meant we could throw the con­fetti within the church grounds – which made for a fan­tas­tic photo!

The cer­e­mony flew by us both, but we got some qual­ity time together on our car jour­ney to the recep­tion. Pod­ing­ton church only has 1 work­ing bell, so we couldn’t have a peal of bells chim­ing as we left, but we did have the one bell rang for us.

Which read­ings did you choose?

My Mum did a read­ing of a poem enti­tled ‘May your love be ever­last­ing’ by Leah. These are the words:

You put each other in a trance
And show your love in its expanse
With some­thing sim­ple as a glance
May your affec­tion be everlasting.

You keep each other safe and warm
Pro­tect each other from the storm
Love could take no truer form
May your devo­tion be everlasting

You see each other as no one can
Your jour­ney seized hand in hand
Together over sea and land
May your com­pan­ion­ship be everlasting.

Your friends have joined here today
And fam­ily have come here to say
Each in their own spe­cial way
May your love be everlasting.

Austin’s Aun­tie read the clas­sic: 1. Corinthi­ans. 13. Verses 4–13

My brother read out a prayer that the vicar gave him and our son, Rhys age 9, wrote and read out his own prayer:

Dear God, Thank you for the mar­riage of my mom and dad. They are very spe­cial peo­ple, please look after them and make sure they live hap­pily ever after. Amen.

We thought this was very sweet of him & we were so proud of him on the day, it was such a lovely touch. He was quite anx­ious dur­ing the rehearsal, but on the day you would never have know he was ner­vous! He was also our ring bearer, car­ry­ing our wed­ding rings that were tied onto a ring cush­ion, and our page­boy, walk­ing in front of me as I went down the aisle.

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (17)

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (18)

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (19)

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (20)

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (21)

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (22)

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (23)

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (24)

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (25)

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (26)

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (27)

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (28)

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (29)

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (30)

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (31)

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (32)

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (33)

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (34)

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (35)

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (36)

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (37)

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (38)

Rushton Hall English Wedding Blog Sarah Vivienne (39)

Tell us a lit­tle about your wed­ding venue styling and details:

Rush­ton Hall is one of the most beau­ti­ful places we have vis­ited, it’s already styled in a gor­geous way, with old paint­ings, large chan­de­liers, vin­tage fur­ni­ture and plush car­pets, cur­tains & sofas, it’s the typ­i­cal Eng­lish stately home, full of his­tory and has been very well maintained.

The hall became our inspi­ra­tion for our wed­ding; we decided that we wanted a vintage/traditional feel, with pearls, crys­tals, rib­bons, a white & sil­ver palette, lace and the feel­ing of grandeur and for­mal­ity being at the heart of all our plans.

The tables were given names: Duke, Duchess, Lord, Lady, Earl & Count­ess and Austin & I booked our­selves into the Dukes bed­room suite for the evening – every­thing is so lux­u­ri­ous there!

We didn’t dress the draw­ing room at all, where we had our drinks recep­tion; the room is already per­fect and full of splen­dour. We had some pretty party boxes for the chil­dren, the girls had sil­ver boxes with white feath­ers and crys­tals on them and the boys had sil­ver boxes with top hats on.

The only other item placed in the room was one of the ham­pers from the church, with a few rose petals in that our guest placed gifts and cards into. This worked per­fectly, as it was easy to close and manoeu­vre both on the day and after­wards, we have kept it with all of our cards & keep sakes in from the day.

We had our wed­ding break­fast in the library, which has a lot of color in it, brown oak book­cases filled with old books, brown oak pan­elling on the walls and red & green dec­o­ra­tions on the cur­tains, car­pets and walls. Again we wanted the room to be the star of the show, so to high­light the grandeur we hired some vin­tage crys­tal can­de­labras and had our florist place roses around them, one can­de­labra on each table and we lit the can­dles dur­ing the breakfast.

On each table we scat­tered a few crys­tals, each guest had a mini sil­ver pail, filled with white heart shaped choco­lates, with a mini thank you tag on them, tied on with sil­ver rib­bon. Each guest had their own indi­vid­ual menu, which dou­bled up as place set­tings. We had a large old easel stand with our main table plan on, which again fea­tured our white pearl & sil­ver card, crys­tals and white ribbons.

We were lucky to have good weather, as our wed­ding was dur­ing the cold snap of snow & ice. Being so lucky with the weather meant we man­aged to get pho­tos both inside and out­side. The court­yard was full with sun­shine and we man­aged to get all of our guest pho­tos taken there.

Austin and I had most of our pho­tos down by the lake, as he pro­posed to me there and it’s one of the rea­sons why we wanted to have our wed­ding at Rush­ton Hall. It holds such a spe­cial place on our hearts, and it feels very roman­tic when we are there, some­thing that we wanted to share with our fam­ily & friends, and they cer­tainly were wowed by its surroundings!

Wed­ding music and entertainment:

At the church we had an organ­ist play, his name is David Gibbs and he’s the head of music at a pri­vate school. We had the clas­sic Bridal Cho­rus by Wag­ner com­ing into the church and The Wed­ding March by Mendelssohn when leav­ing. We liked 4 hymns and when we asked the vicar which ones we should have, he loved 4 of them — so we ended up hav­ing them all!

  1. Love Divine (the Welsh version)
  2. God In The Plan­ning And Pur­pose Of Life
  3. As The Deer Pants For The Water
  4. To God Be The Glory

We had a Cham­pagne & canapés drinks recep­tion in the draw­ing room at Rush­ton Hall, and we wanted to have some music that fit­ted in with our sur­round­ings & for­mal feel, there­fore we booked a string trio called Ariella Strings. We selected a reper­toire of clas­si­cal songs for them to play, which fit­ted in won­der­fully with the opu­lence of our sur­round­ings and the cel­e­bra­tory occa­sion of the day.

In the evening we wanted every­thing very relaxed, to pro­vide an oppor­tu­nity for all of our guests to talk & wind down after the hec­tic day endured. We booked the cel­lar bar at Rush­ton Hall, which is full of sofas and relaxed light­ing, to fit the relaxed feel of our evening we booked a jazz 3 piece called Cate Cody.

Our first dance was to the Etta James song ‘At Last”, we thought it was appro­pri­ate as Austin and I went to school together, and this year we have known each other for 20 years.

Mem­o­rable wed­ding day moments:

  • The wind pick­ing up at one point and lift­ing my Cathe­dral length veil into the air.
  • My dad pick­ing off the stick­ers from my wed­ding shoes that I mis­tak­enly had left on.
  • The way my heart raced as I walked down the aisle and greeted Austin at the front, then how I just couldn’t quite get my words out on the sec­ond part of my vows, mak­ing every­one in church cry.
  • Our son say­ing, “Oh Mummy, you look beau­ti­ful” when he first saw me, as he came out­side the church to lead me in.
  • The car jour­ney with my Dad as we headed to the church.
  • The amaz­ing food & ser­vice that we had from Rush­ton Hall & all of the com­pli­ments we had from our guests.
  • The funny and touch­ing speeches given by Austin, my dad and the best man.
  • My brother, and our mas­ter of cer­e­monies, intro­duc­ing us into the Library as Mr & Mrs Taylor!

Wed­ding day advice:

  • Put together a com­pre­hen­sive plan for those peo­ple set­ting up your room so they can place every­thing they way you would like it.
  • Make sure there is one per­son who you trust to run the day for you on the day, after all the plan­ning and prepa­ra­tion it is good to allow your­self to let go on the day and get oth­ers to worry about things. Oh and don’t wear a watch!
  • Plan well ahead and get an organ­iser to write it all down in, buy one with pouches inside and you can keep all your paper­work in one place, it also makes for a won­der­ful keep­sake after the wedding.
  • Book the sup­pli­ers that can only do one wed­ding a day first and do it well in advance. This ensures you get the day you really want and not hav­ing to com­pro­mise because the sup­plier you want isn’t avail­able. These include recep­tion venue, cars, pho­tog­ra­pher and hair & make up. Book all of the other sup­pli­ers after the key play­ers in the day are booked.

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers:

Pho­tog­ra­pher: Sarah Vivi­enne, Northamp­ton
Florist: Julie Anna Flow­ers, Northamp­ton
Hair & Make Up: Toni Cre­ative, Northamp­ton
Can­de­labra: Wed­ding Day Hire, Sandy, Bed­ford­shire
Cars: Bridal Car­riages of Northamp­ton­shire, Thrap­ston, Northamp­ton­shire
Sta­tionery: Wed­ding Para­pher­na­lia, Roth­well, Northamp­ton­shire
Wed­ding Dress & Acces­sories: Char­lotte Harley Bridal Cou­ture, Nr. Wee­don, Northamp­ton­shire
Men’s Suit Hire: War­wicks, Welling­bor­ough, Northamp­ton­shire
Jazz Band: Cate Cody, Glouces­ter­shire
Strings: Ariella Strings, Mil­ton Keynes
Nails & Eye Lash Exten­sions: Beauty of Bedford

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