Lifestyle Magazine

A Sophisticated Wirral Wedding — Sea, Sand and Style

By Claire

chester wedding blog photographer (19)The wed­ding was sub­mit­ted by Vick­er­staff Pho­tog­ra­phy — Chester wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phers and my newest friends and blog spon­sors. Becky has shared details of her wed­ding day so I will leave you to admire the images and enjoy the story of Becky and Guy’s sea­side wedding.

Sophis­ti­cated sea­side wed­ding — Becky and Guy

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The wed­ding day as it happened

I arrived at the venue in a horse and car­riage, it was a very mem­o­rable moment and such a lovely way to start the day and take in all the scenery. We had a civil cer­e­mony. We had pic­tures taken on the shore which was a lot of fun. We set off lanterns which is a good idea to do after the meal, so peo­ple don’t get bored wait­ing for the evening to start. After the first dance we just danced all night — it was great fun.

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The wed­ding dress

I wore a one shoul­der dress, slim fit­ting to the hips then down to the floor. It was a gor­geous dress and I had lots of com­pli­ments about how dif­fer­ent it was. I got the dress from Tina Louise in Heswall

I wore black pearl ear­rings and bracelet, a full length veil and pearl and dia­mante clus­tered tiara. My shoes were low heel ivory shoes with dia­mante fastenings.

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Guy wore an Atcham gray 3 piece tail suit with a berry coloured pocket hand­ker­chief and cra­vat, all from Cain of Heswall

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Mem­o­rable wed­ding day moments

Get­ting ready with the girls in the morn­ing and receiv­ing a gift with a let­ter from my fiancé. The horse and car­riage, it was a lovely way to arrive and gave me and my dad time together. The fun we had tak­ing the wed­ding pho­tos on the shore, with our ush­ers and brides­maids, every­one had a laugh. The speeches, lovely words were said and every­one com­mented how good they were.

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Becky’s wed­ding day advice

Take a moment for you and your part­ner to sit down and have a drink/chat together on your own. Don’t rush things and take every­thing in — the day goes so fast.

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The wed­ding details: pur­ple but­ter­fly theme

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Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers

Vick­er­staff Pho­tog­ra­phy, the ser­vice they pro­vided was excel­lent; half the time you didn’t notice they were there tak­ing pic­tures — they were very dis­creet. And the pho­tos they have taken are amaz­ing, the com­ments we have had about them are excel­lent. Peo­ple are amazed by their work. Check out the wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy blog too!

Marc Kenny our DJ got every­one up danc­ing and did 3 20min sets of singing, he was excel­lent: the dance floor was full.

Rose­wood farm car­riage com­pany — Excel­lent ser­vice. They arrived on time, came to meet us before the wed­ding, the horses were absolutely stun­ning and their cus­tomer ser­vice was brilliant.

Jew­ellery by Design Chester — Excel­lent cus­tomer ser­vice. We got my engage­ment ring here and both wed­ding bands. My hus­band also got me my black pearl ear­rings and bracelet from here and I got him a watch.

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