Lifestyle Magazine

A Shameless Plug…

By Claire

Thought Claire, “Well, I have just uploaded a batch of rather spe­cial wed­ding pho­tos from a few of the real wed­dings I’m about to blog.” and then, look­ing vaguely guilty, “and it did take a whole  five min­utes to do that.”

A shameless plug…
The tax­man leant for­wards. “I’ll beat you with this big stick if you think you’re going to write a full blog post, Missy.” he said in a threat­en­ing manner.

Claire hid under the table then, and pub­lished the shame­less plug for her face­book page anyway.

Maybe some­one would click the “Like” but­ton, she thought. And the thought made her feel just a lit­tle bit hap­pier inside.

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