Family Magazine

A Shameless Plea for Votes

By Kidfreeliving @kidfreeliving

I’m not usually a blog contest person with the badges and whatnot, but some lovely person named Margaret nominated me for the “Top 25 Humor Blogs” on and if you, my equally lovely readers, could find it in your heart to visit there and hit “Like It” next to my entry to vote for me, I would name one of my house plants after you.  Repeatedly. Because they die every other week.

Voting can be a little tricky, because you have to scroll WAY down to find my little “me in a glass of wine” logo and the name of my blog (you might have to click “see more” at the bottom). It looks like this:


It’s kind of neat site, featuring different lists of things and lists you can create of your own.

I guess I’m not allowed to bribe you, but if I just “showed up” at your home and accidentally washed your car… I just happen to be in the neighborhood, right?

Voting closes Feb. 28th. So here’s the link again, “Top 25 Humor Blogs” and thank you!

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