Lifestyle Magazine

A Rustic Outdoor Wedding: Part Two — Details and Ideas

By Claire

Yes­ter­day I fea­tured the bridal prepa­ra­tions and out­door wed­ding cer­e­mony on Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog, and today I’d like to share all the details of the day with you. Jody and Richard worked so hard to cre­ate a beau­ti­ful day, and I know any cou­ples out there plan­ning a sim­i­lar day will be inspired by their wed­ding decor.

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I’ll let Jody tell you more! All the pho­tog­ra­phy is by award-winning Der­byshire wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phers HBA Pho­tog­ra­phy, and please do check out the rec­om­mended wed­ding sup­plier list at the end of this blog post.

Enjoy! xxx

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Richard and Jody’s rus­tic wed­ding at Cross Butts in Whitby: part two!

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How would you describe your wed­ding style?

We wanted our wed­ding to fit in with the venue which is described as “Where Coun­try meets Town”, and we wanted a rus­tic and nat­ural feel.

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Wed­ding venue styling and rus­tic details

The venue had a rus­tic, wooden and nat­ural feel to it, so we stuck to that theme through­out our wed­ding with hes­s­ian table run­ners, wooden log cen­tre pieces and wooden can­dle holders.

The food was pre­sented on old fash­ioned mar­ket carts. In the bar area of the mar­quee we made smaller logs and dec­o­rated them with writ­ing and small can­dles and scat­tered paper hearts. Also along the bar we had lit­tle pails of choco­lates and heart shaped rock.

The bar area was sep­a­rated from the main area with clev­erly designed steps which are sur­rounded by trees and bark, there was also a ramp which was the per­fect loca­tion for our guest book, flip flop box and wish­ing line, which we cre­ated by find­ing pic­tures of all our guests and hang­ing them up with hand crafted clothes pegs, there was space on the back of the pic­tures for each guest to write a per­son­alised wish for us.

Dur­ing our meal Ben showed us there was even more to his many tal­ents by enter­tain­ing us with his excel­lent sax­o­phone play­ing. Our evening recep­tion we had the plea­sure of a well known Derby band “The Mid­night Pump­kin Trucks” travel to Whitby to play some fan­tas­tic well known songs.

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Jody and Richard’s wed­ding highlights

Pick­ing out high­lights from such a per­fect day would be impos­si­ble but these are some of the things that did play a mas­sive part.

1) The fan­tas­tic weather (the only two peo­ple who didn’t burn were the new­ly­weds) which obvi­ously made the set­ting and the views as amaz­ing as they could be. This made everyone’s day really chilled and relaxed and they could go and see the res­i­dent ani­mals, walk around the grounds and enjoy the sun.

2) The fan­tas­tic food dis­play put on by the chefs at The Sta­bles rang­ing from Rich’s favorite steak and sweet chilli skew­ers to Jody’s favorite choco­late orange cheese­cake. All made fresh from local suppliers.

3) After our meal, wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phers Han­nah and Ben took us off to have some FUN pic­tures across the road to a field full of rape flow­ers which we had to write on a chalk­board what best described our other half. Rich wrote “Per­fect” and Jody wrote “Prat!” which ended up mak­ing a great pic­ture say­ing “Per­fect Prat”

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Mem­o­rable wed­ding day moments?

The only way we can answer this ques­tion would be by lit­er­ally writ­ing you a story about our day: it was per­fect. The weather, the guests, the venue and its staff, the cake, the pho­tog­ra­phers, the band and see­ing all our hard work pay off. We couldn’t have wished for it to run any more smoothly than it did.

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Wed­ding day advice:

Our top tip is not to rush, take your time. We got mar­ried two years after our engage­ment which meant we could plan every­thing per­fectly and had plenty of time to make and do things our­selves which added a great touch to the day.

We made a lit­tle book for our usher so that he knew the order of the day which took any pres­sure off us.

We had per­son­alised gift bags with toys and colour­ing books in for all the chil­dren which kept them enter­tained for a short while.


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We decided to pro­vide a “flip flop” box which was labelled “You bought new shoes to match your dress and now your feet are sore!!! Please help your­self to a pair of flip flops so you can dance some more!” which proved a great hit as the dance floor was never empty.

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Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers:

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