Food & Drink Magazine

a Rainy Lazy Day

By Chocolateandoranges
I woke up this morning to beautiful sunshine and thought maybe all the forecasts had been wrong.  Sadly by the time I finished reading the papers it was overcast, and by the time I started out on my walk it was raining and sleeting. First things first, I started out this morning with a coconut water due to maybe a bit too much wine at the baby shower yesterday.  I didn't drink that much, but I drank enough to give me a slight headache and I've heard coconut water is good for that sort of thing - it did the trick for me.
a rainy lazy day
I tried to make whipped banana oats this morning but my banana was way under-ripe and it just didn't work out.  I ended up dumping it and going for a very comforting bowl of oats, raisins, spices, and some swirly chocolate chips.  Followed up with a bit of greek yogurt with maple syrup and blueberries.  Then I headed out on a very wet walk.  I came home and took a nice warm shower and decided it was a stay at home and wear pajamas type of day - have't had one of those in forever!  I've been reading, playing on the computer, and all around relaxing.  Think I'm also going to do a batch of dal makhni and some rice this afternoon so I'll be ready for the very very busy week ahead.  After this week I'm hoping my stress level should go down considerably though since our big review at work will be over with.
Lunch was sweet potato orzo from the farmer's market yesterday plus some spiach, sauteed squash and an egg!
a rainy lazy day
I also just booked a trip in late April to check out Asheville, NC!  I'm trying to get to all 50 states by the time I turn 30 this summer and I have Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, North Carolina, and West Virginia left.  This trip will check off North Caroline and West Virginia and I've always heard Asheville is an awesome town so I'm excited!  I'm in desperate need of a vacation too!

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