Lifestyle Magazine

A Quirky, Bright, Handmade Wedding Blog — Made with Love and Sunshine!

By Claire

Emily and Alan are a great cou­ple — full of fun and cre­ativ­ity. And while Emily is stun­ning in her Jas­mine Cou­ture wed­ding dress, Alan steals the show in a bright. yel­low. suit. (There’s a photo to watch out for with a hand­writ­ten note from Emily: “I love you even though you look like a bowl of cus­tard”! which is won­der­ful! Seri­ously though — he looks great, and every­thing about today’s wed­ding blog is bril­liant. Literally!

The pho­tos are by Dorset wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Paul Under­hill, who con­tacted me a few weeks ago and told me that Alan had changed into the canary yel­low suit part­way through the wed­ding to sur­prise all the guests. What a fab idea! The yel­low and blue theme con­tin­ues through­out the day and I love all the details and styling of the mar­quee as well. The pho­tos look amazing!

I hope you love this fea­ture — do read Emily and Alan’s wed­ding report which starts about a third of the way down the page. Enjoy! Claire xxx

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (2)

Emily and Alan’s quirky, bright yel­low wed­ding blog

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (3)

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (4)

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (5)

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (6)

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (7)

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (8)

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (9)

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (10)

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (11)

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (12)

Wed­ding venue:

St James Church, Kingston fol­lowed by a mar­quee recep­tion in a farmer’s field at the Burn­gate Stone Cen­tre, Lang­ton Matravers

Wed­ding photographer:

Dorset wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Paul Under­hill

How would you describe your wed­ding style?

Quirky, bright, hand made with love!

A lit­tle about the wed­ding ceremony:

We fell in love with the view of Corfe Cas­tle and always knew we would want to get mar­ried at the church over­look­ing it. It was a beau­ti­ful church packed with 140 of our lov­ing friends and fam­ily. Although we opted for a tra­di­tional cer­e­mony we made it our own by choos­ing patri­otic hymns (I vow to thee my coun­try, Jerusalem etc) and hand­ing all of our guests minia­ture union jacks to wave in cel­e­bra­tion of a fab year (the Queen’s Jubilee, Olympics…)

We also man­aged to con­vince the organ­ist to play “Lucky Man” by the Verve for us as we exited the church (One of Alan’s favorite songs that we thought was quite fitting!)

Which read­ings did you choose?

One of Emily’s old­est friends Christo­pher Mat­tingly read an adapted ver­sion of “He Never Leaves the Seat Up” by Pam Ayres
Our good friend Jamie Kelly read Colos­sians 3 v 12–17

Tell us a lit­tle about your wed­ding venue styling and details:

We were always cer­tain that we didn’t want an off the shelf pack­age wed­ding for our spe­cial day. We didn’t want to be con­strained by hotel sched­ules or expen­sive prices so made the deci­sion to do every­thing our­selves. Liv­ing in Hamp­shire with most of our friends and fam­ily liv­ing East we knew that it would be a bit of a trek to Dorset so made sure it was a week­end of celebrations.

We knew exactly where we wanted to get mar­ried (Again the views in Corfe, Lang­ton, Swan­age are to die for) and spent a week­end dri­ving around look­ing for the per­fect spot, knock­ing on farm­ers’ doors to request per­mis­sion to put up a mar­quee. We even­tu­ally set­tled on a field next to the Burn­gate Stone Cen­tre that over­looked the Isle of Wight to the south and if you looked in the oppo­site direc­tion you could still see the castle!

Our color scheme was bright yel­low and navy blue (due to the groom’s unusual wardrobe request) and we made all of the dec­o­ra­tions our­selves… reams of bunting, wooden table cen­tres filled with rus­tic look­ing flow­ers and bright paper lanterns.

Our main aim for our wed­ding was to have fun so we filled the field with lawn games, space hop­pers and bouncy cas­tles, we even had a camp­ing vil­lage for our guests to stay in (includ­ing the bride and groom).

We have been to so many wed­dings where you get chicken wrapped in parma ham… that just wasn’t us! So we opted to have our favorite food– Chi­nese!! Guests tucked in to starters of sea­weed, prawn toast, won tons etc fol­lowed by a feast of sweet and sour chicken, beef in black bean sauce, rice, noo­dles and plenty of prawn crackers.

We even sup­plied per­son­alised prawn crack­ers for our guests thank­ing them for mak­ing our day so special.

Night was fin­ished with Chi­nese lanterns being let off and sparklers.

Invi­ta­tions and recep­tion stationery:

We opted for uncon­ven­tional invi­ta­tions and sent all of our guests a DVD that we filmed our­selves, let­ting them know the details.

The table num­bers were all num­bers that were sig­nif­i­cant to us with a cor­re­spond­ing picture.

Emily made place names out of small rounds of wood that were tied around our favours and cre­ated the table plan out of an old vin­tage frame.

Emily’s dad made lots of rus­tic look­ing signs to guide peo­ple to the bar, toi­lets, hon­ey­moon suite etc!

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (13)

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (14)

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (15)

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (16)

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (17)

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (18)

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (19)

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (20)

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (21)

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (22)

Wed­ding music and entertainment:

Music for dur­ing canapes and din­ner was a playlist of our favorite songs.
Evening enter­tain­ment was a band called the Butcher Blues Foun­da­tion– who absolutely blew us away with a mix of rock and pop.
First dance was to Elbow ‘One day like this’

The mil­lion dol­lar ques­tion: What did you wear?

Emily wore a jas­mine cou­ture gown with a lace V-neck detail top with a floaty full tulle skirt (com­pletely oppo­site to the slim-line dress she was orig­i­nally look­ing for!!) Emily cus­tomised a pair of Bhs wed­ding shoes by dying them yel­low and adding yel­low rib­bons to match the groom! She also wore a beau­ti­ful flo­ral hair piece from Glitzy secrets.

The first wed­ding we’d been to where every­one was look­ing at the groom more than what the bride was wear­ing!! Alan had always claimed that the only way he would get mar­ried was if he got to wear a canary yel­low suit… After lots of con­ver­sa­tions we decided that he could get two out­fits for our spe­cial day as we didn’t want to detract from the seri­ous­ness of the church service.

Alan and the ush­ers all wore smart navy suits from Marks and Spencer’s with bright yel­low ties, han­ker­chiefs, cuf­flinks and socks… then as we drove off to the recep­tion we secretly took a detour to get Alan changed into a yel­low suit he’d had made in Hong Kong espe­cially for the day. Our guests had no idea!!!

Mem­o­rable wed­ding day moments:

  • Emily walk­ing to the church from the accom­mo­da­tion with her dad and bridal party. This mir­rored what her Mum did on her own big day. Emily also had corn flow­ers in her bou­quet as her mum did.
  • Arriv­ing at the venue in Alan’s yel­low suit
  • Giv­ing out our desserts of Purbeck ice­cream to our guests with cus­tom made ush­erette trays that Emily’s Dad made.
  • The sun shin­ing down on us and all of our friends and fam­ily relax­ing and enjoy­ing the day with us with no pres­sures of any­one telling us what to do!!

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (23)

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (24)

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (25)

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (26)

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (27)

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (28)

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (29)

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (30)

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (31)

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (32)

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (33)

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (34)

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (35)

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (36)

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (37)

Wed­ding day advice:

  • If you have a vision on how your day should be don’t let any­one tell you oth­er­wise or con­vince you that you should do things dif­fer­ently. It’s your day. So many peo­ple expected our wed­ding to be like a mini Glas­ton­bury (And indeed we did get mes­sages ask­ing whether we would be pro­vid­ing toi­lets!!!!) and they were all blown away by the day and how much effort we put into get­ting it the way we wanted it…
  • USE YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY…if they have skills, ask for help. Peo­ple want to help you so let them. Our flow­ers, hair, make-up, cake, wed­ding car, sword(!) to cut the cake were all done as favours for us by friends and fam­ily at reduced rates or donated as wed­ding gifts. It saved us a for­tune and made the day that lit­tle bit more special.
  • We saved a for­tune on our bar by sourc­ing all of the alco­hol our­selves, super­mar­ket deals on spir­its and a booze cruise to France.

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers:

Anya Bridal:
Purbeck ice­cream:
Hon­ey­bells (Wed­ding night accom­mo­da­tion for bride and groom)
Pho­tog­ra­pher: Paul Under­hill
Band: Butcher Blues Foun­da­tion:
Car: sup­plied by fam­ily friend
Cake: Fam­ily friend
Hair: Fam­ily friend
Make-up: Friend of bride from
Mar­quee: Global mar­quees

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (38)

wedding blog yellow ideas photography Paul Underhill (39)

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