Current Magazine

A Quick Guide of Knowing Who You Really Are

Posted on the 27 July 2013 by Gilnambatac @gilnambatac
A Quick Guide of Knowing Who you really are
I often laugh my lungs out every time my "friends" at school glare badly at me every time belief in a deity arises. They consistently identify me as a non-believer of a God. (By the way, they know that I am an Agnostic Theist.) I was like "What? Am I?" and I begin to laugh at them at how much they don't know what an Agnostic Theist is. When I'm in a worst position, I really exclude them to the people I wanted to converse with. So much for that, I wanted to teach them what Atheism, Theism, Agnosticism, and Gnosticism is. Thanks to Pablo Stanley for this illustration.

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