I read a Taoist parable and would like to share it with you. It explains the law of attraction and the power of our own subjective perception of the surrounding world.
Once upon a time there was a king. He built a huge palace. It was a palace with millions of mirrors. Everything, the walls, floors and ceilings were covered with mirrors.
Once a dog ran in the palace. He looked into the mirrors and saw many dogs around him. They were everywhere. And being smart enough, the dog snarled and showed his teeth to protect himself in case the millions of dogs around him attack him. He wanted to scare them. In response all the dogs snarled. The dog began to growl - against him all his dogs did the same.
Now the dog was certain that his life was in danger and started to bark. It began to bark with all his might, very desperately. But once he barked, the millions of dogs started barking as well. And the more he barked, the more they barked back.
Next morning the guards found a poor dead dog lying on the floor. And he was just there, there was no one else there near his body, only the millions of mirrors. Nobody had fought with him because there was no one to do that, but he saw himself in the mirror and got scared. And when he began to fight, the reflections in the mirrors also entered the battle. He died in the fight against millions of his own reflections, surrounding him from all sides.
If there are no obstacles inside you, you will face no obstacles outside you, nothing can stand in your way. That's the law of life.
The world is only a reflection, it is a huge mirror. And so if you think negatively that's what you will bring in. If you think positively that's what you will bring in.
"You are a transmitter and a receiver of vibration patterns. The patterns that you transmit are the patterns that you receive."
~Christine BreeseSource 1.
Art courtesy of Martin's Art Dimension