Travel Magazine

A New Ship for Space Tourism Was Launched

By Poundtravel
orbital flightsVirgin Galactic, the company British billionaire Richard Branson wants to hold the orbital flights for tourism. Its owner has announced that it will present the new version of the spacecraft Spaceship Two, which collapsed in 2014, informs

Orbital spaceflight – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An orbital spaceflight (or orbital flight) is a spaceflight in which a spacecraft is placed on a trajectory where it could remain in space for at least one orbit. To do  …

The first flights of the new version of naveitei space will be made later this year. If everything will work fine, in addition to the flight itself, who wishes can make leaps in weightlessness, as ships will be placed at a height of about 100 km above the Earth. The device can carry up to six passengers, and the price of an unusual place for such a trip will be just … 180 thousand euros.

Sub-Orbital Flight vs. Orbital Flight – YouTube

Jan 29, 2008 Kerbal Space Program – Career Mode Part 3: Sub-orbital Flights – Duration: 27:29 . LpingWithArdwick 1,160 views. 27:29. Phases of Sub-orbital … Virgin Galactic is not the only company engaged in a race against the clock to provide first tourist trip into space stakeholders. In parallel, to lead the first tourists into space, fighting and other companies, including Space X and Tesla‘s Elon Musk.

Airplane powered only by solar energy goes around the world

Solar Impulse plane starts two months of Abu Dhabi, a historic journey around the world, made only with solar energy. The public will be able to watch live what is happening in the cockpit and mission control center in Monaco visiting the site “” according Agerpres . The plane will make the … .

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