I started a new chapter in my blog writing world last week. Those of you who follow me on twitter or here are aware that I have three blogs of my own. They each serve a specific purpose (Cinema, Travel, and Personal) and altogether are just there because lately I have enjoyed writing (however good/bad I may be at it).
Twitter has played a major role in my interest in blogs. I became active on twitter (and eventually less so on Facebook) as I discovered that not only did it provide me with more information that I desired (making me give up newspapers), but it also provided me with an amazing platform to interact with people of similar interests.
Mark from Ultimate Reviews (@reviwer) was one of the first couple of twitter friends I made and I have to say that he is partly responsible for me now spending considerable amounts of time on twitter. The blog Ultimate Reviews (http://ultimatereviews.co.uk/) was also one of the first few blogs that I began to follow.
So, recently when they asked for contributors for the blog I jumped on the opportunity and accepted to write for them every now and then. The blog is simple and easy to navigate. The Top 10 list is one of my favorite feature on it. I have seen it transform into its present avatar over the last year and have to agree that with every change it only gets better. So to be affiliated with it is an honor.
Now, I am not giving up my blog. It is still here and I will continue to write in it. The only small change is that ever-so-often I will post my reviews on Ultimate Reviews rather than on my blog. It is also my way of expanding and sharing and in a way giving back to the twitter/blogging movie community. It’s a community that I have thoroughly enjoyed and cherish being a part of. I have had great conversations, have found out about new actors/directors/movies, made new friends from across the globe, and just in general it is a very intellectual yet fun community and I look forward to being a part of it for a long time.
So besides following me here make sure you add Ultimate Reviews to your blog list not just for my reviews but for an overall fun movie experience.
Lastly, whenever I do write a review for Ultimate Reviews I will add a link on my blog so you can easily navigate to it from here. To start off, please find here my review of The Green Hornet, my first post on Ultimate Reviews.
Thank you