Lifestyle Magazine

A Moment in Time… Vintage Wedding Jewellery Inspiration

By Claire

Still — it’s not about me. I write Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog for all of you lovely peo­ple, and not just because I love it! Today’s blog post is all about wed­ding jew­ellery inspi­ra­tion and comes from the lovely Trudie Arnold — designer at Tiaras by Trudie Arnold.

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Trudie sub­mit­ted this recent photo shoot which involved her bridal tiara and jew­ellery designs as well as an amaz­ing vin­tage car from the Clas­sic and Vin­tage Car com­pany, 1930s Hol­ly­wood inspired hair and make up by Vivi­enne Moore, and a beau­ti­ful ivory lace wed­ding dress pro­vided by Cloud 9 Bridal Wear in Sur­rey. Pho­tog­ra­pher Dean Whit­ing cap­tured all the images.

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Arriv­ing at your wed­ding in style…

This vin­tage inspired shoot focused on those excit­ing few moments when the bride arrives at the wed­ding venue in a vin­tage car and pho­tographs are taken of the bride, in the car and as she steps out of the car. I was so lucky to have a great team to help me cre­ate a vin­tage theme for my new vin­tage inspired head­pieces and jew­ellery.

David Jones, from the Clas­sic and Vin­tage Car com­pany kindly let me use one of his amaz­ing vin­tage cars for the shoot. “Maude” was a 1925 Oak­land Open Sports Tour­ing car.

You may also be inter­ested to read about the changes to leg­is­la­tion gov­ern­ing vin­tage wed­ding car hire — is this the death Knell for Clas­sic and Vin­tage Wed­ding Cars?

Pho­tog­ra­pher Dean Whit­ing cap­tured all the images.

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Vivi­enne Moore, Wed­ding hair and Make up Artist, cre­ated a fab­u­lous “1930’s Hol­ly­wood” inspired look for our Model; Emily Rose.

The beau­ti­ful, ivory lace wed­ding dress was pro­vided by Cloud 9 Bridal Wear in Cheam Vil­lage, Surrey.

The dia­manté head­piece and jew­ellery are part of the new vin­tage inspired col­lec­tion from Tiaras by Trudie Arnold.

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Tiaras by Trudie Arnold — vin­tage inspired bridal accessories

I was inspired to cre­ate sev­eral dia­manté head­pieces and com­ple­men­tary jew­ellery by research­ing the black and white stills of 1930’s Hol­ly­wood stars, such as Irene Dunn, Greta Garbo and Jean Har­low. They wore lots of fab­u­lous dia­manté and crys­tal jew­ellery in their films to help cre­ate the illu­sion of opu­lence and glamour.

My lace and pearl head­pieces and match­ing hair pins came out of my research into real brides in the 1920’s and shots of the silent movie stars such as Mary Pick­ford, Pauline Stark and Bil­lie Dove, appear­ing as brides in their films. Twen­ties brides favoured small flow­ers, both real and arti­fi­cial, woven into their hair or made into head­pieces and Twen­ties brides loved pearls.”

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Trudie Arnold designs hand­crafted tiaras, head­pieces and pearl jew­ellery to com­plete the look you wish to cre­ate for your wed­ding. She loves using only the finest mate­ri­als to pro­duce tiaras, head­pieces, and bridal acces­sories; from gor­geous pearls and the best qual­ity crys­tals and dia­mantes avail­able, to fine lace.

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