Food & Drink Magazine

a Mini Vacay!

By Marensmorsels @marentweets

Hi Guys!

I completely checked out this last week and weekend. I’d been feeling very stressed out. So many things to do between work, basketball, friends, babysitting, and Max… oh and my spankin’ new design business that has been CRAZY successful. Everything sort of took off at once.


My birthday was Tuesday, the 4th was Wednesday. Then my Dad gave me Thursday and Friday off (very unexpectedly) because we’re in between jobs at work. I didn’t plan to taking a mini-vacation from my life but it sort of played out that way. I think I needed to step back and get a little space from everything.

I have this really bad tendency to disconnect myself from things when I feel like they’re too stressful, or intense. I know I do it to protect myself. I don’t want to get my feelings hurt if I fail at it or screw it up. Everything was getting so big so fast that I guess I couldn’t keep up. It’s something I need to work on in life.

Last week I literally cleaned everything in my entire world. My clothes, closet, drawers, bed, under the bed, bathroom. Everything. I also re-watched the first season of True Blood (yes I watch that show religiously!).  I worked out (a lot). Max and I ran 14 miles last week and we did a pretty killer plyometric circuit yesterday. My bum is out of this world sore.

I kept myself busy, but there were no appointments, meetings, to do lists, deadlines, or pressure to do something perfectly for someone else. It felt really really really nice. I also got to come back to everything without completely running away, like I’ve done before. That’s progress.

Anyways… now that we’ve done the housekeeping.



I found this licked clean jar of Almond Butter in the recycling side of the sink. So I threw into it a mini packet of cinnamon instant oats, 1/4 cup old fashioned oats, 1/2 cup almond milk, 1/2 cup water, 1 TBSP chia seeds, and small handful of on-their-last-breath raspberries. I put the top back on the jar and let it sit in the fridge all night.


There was literally no almond butter in the jar so the mixture tasted a little bland. I added a handful of Kashi Golden Goodness cereal which really flavored it up!


Love all those chia seeds.

Healthy Guideline Checks in this OIAJ:

  • chia seeds (a serving of healthy fats)
  • oats (swapped bad carbs for good ones)
  • raspberries (a serving of fruit)
  • hot magic lemon water… check!
  • cereal (swapped bad carbs for good ones)


Guess what?!

Last night, Dad gave me another day off!


I know, it’s crazy. Now I have all day today off work and I’m right where very human in the history of the world hopes to be… workless with no chores.

Right?!?! I know!!!

So my plan is to hunker down on the sofa, keep on relaxin’. Do a bunch of design work all morning and afternoon while watching trashy tv. Maybe it’ll be a perfect day and there will be a Real Housewives of (insert city here) marathon on Bravo. Eeeeeeeeee! That would be the BEST.

Tell me about you!!! I want to know…

Is there something in your life that kinda freaks you out and makes you take mini vacations?


What did you do this weekend that was crazy fun?

I went to a vow renewal ceremony on Saturday.

What do you do when you have last minute day’s off?

Usually chores.

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