Lifestyle Magazine

A Magical Teepee Wedding in Cambridge

By Claire

I’m delighted to share this wed­ding with you today. If there was a wed­ding of the week award I’d be rush­ing to present it to every­one involved in today’s post — so con­grat­u­la­tions and the biggest thank you to Vic­to­ria and David for shar­ing their story; and a huge thank you also to Cam­bridge wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Andrew from Light­works Pho­tog­ra­phy for the sub­mis­sion. (

Every­one — enjoy! Claire xxx

Cambridge teepee wedding by Lightworks Photography (3)

Vic­to­ria and David: a beau­ti­ful teepee wed­ding in Cambridge

Cambridge teepee wedding by Lightworks Photography (4)

Cambridge teepee wedding by Lightworks Photography (5)

Cambridge teepee wedding by Lightworks Photography (6)

Cambridge teepee wedding by Lightworks Photography (7)

Cambridge teepee wedding by Lightworks Photography (8)

Cambridge teepee wedding by Lightworks Photography (9)

Cambridge teepee wedding by Lightworks Photography (10)

Cambridge teepee wedding by Lightworks Photography (11)

Who pro­posed, and how?

David pro­posed at the top of a moun­tain over­look­ing the frozen Lac de Mont Cenis in France, where we met whilst work­ing a ski sea­son together 9 years ago!

Wed­ding venue:

In Harl­ton, near Cam­bridge, where Victoria’s par­ents live. The ser­vice was in the vil­lage church and then the recep­tion was held in giant Teepees on Victoria’s God­par­ents’ farm in the vil­lage oppo­site the church.

Wed­ding photographer:

Andrew Hind (Light­works Pho­tog­ra­phy)

How would you describe your wed­ding style?

There were tra­di­tional ele­ments, but we wanted a very relaxed atmos­phere, with good food and live music!

We had a reli­gious cer­e­mony with read­ings from The Book of Eccle­si­astes, Chap­ter 4 — King James Edi­tion and Son­net 116 by William Shakespeare

Cambridge teepee wedding by Lightworks Photography (12)

Cambridge teepee wedding by Lightworks Photography (13)

Cambridge teepee wedding by Lightworks Photography (14)

Cambridge teepee wedding by Lightworks Photography (15)

Cambridge teepee wedding by Lightworks Photography (16)

Cambridge teepee wedding by Lightworks Photography (17)

Cambridge teepee wedding by Lightworks Photography (18)

Cambridge teepee wedding by Lightworks Photography (19)

The teepee wed­ding reception:

The whole day was per­fect! High­lights included the cer­e­mony in the beau­ti­ful church, Victoria’s Mother had done all the flow­ers in the church and the sun­light streamed through the windows.

The amaz­ing Teepees in the field, the sump­tu­ous food and of course the Spit­fire dis­play was very spe­cial, cour­tesy of Victoria’s uncle, John Romain from Air­craft Restora­tion Com­pany at Dux­ford Airfield.

So many peo­ple had con­tributed to mak­ing it such a mem­o­rable day. David’s father did all the bridal party flow­ers, Victoria’s God­mother made all the brides­maid dresses and the deli­cious cake, fam­ily and friends had all pitched in to help.

Wed­ding venue styling and details:

The Teepees spoke for them­selves, very lit­tle addi­tional dec­o­ra­tion was needed (Just some more gor­geous flowers!)

Wed­ding music and entertainment:

DC Brown Jazz Trio (For recep­tion drinks) and The Road­Run­ners band (for danc­ing in the evening).

What did you wear?

Bride: Cou­ture dress (designer and dress­maker – Eliz­a­beth Andrews – Cam­bridge)
Groom: Bespoke tails (Oliver Lit­t­ley – Lon­don

Mem­o­rable wed­ding day moments:

There were spe­cial lit­tle moments all through the day. It would be dif­fi­cult to men­tion all of them.

Wed­ding day advice:

  • Stay relaxed and smile!
  • Try to enjoy the cer­e­mony, this impor­tant part goes so quickly!
  • Keep it simple.

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers:

  • Papakata — Teepees
  • Carte Blanche Cater­ing — Catering
  • Dina Catch­pole – — Hair and makeup (amaz­ing — worth her make-up bag weight in gold!!)
  • Eliz­a­beth Andrews – [email protected] – Bride’s Dress
  • Oliver Lit­t­ley – – Groom’s suit
  • Light­works pho­tog­ra­phy — – Andrew Hind
  • Road­run­ners — Band
  • DC Brown Jazz Trio – New­mar­ket, Suffolk

Cambridge teepee wedding by Lightworks Photography (20)

Cambridge teepee wedding by Lightworks Photography (21)

Cambridge teepee wedding by Lightworks Photography (22)

Cambridge teepee wedding by Lightworks Photography (23)

Cambridge teepee wedding by Lightworks Photography (24)

Cambridge teepee wedding by Lightworks Photography (25)

Cambridge teepee wedding by Lightworks Photography (26)

Cambridge teepee wedding by Lightworks Photography (2)

Cambridge teepee wedding by Lightworks Photography (27)

Cambridge teepee wedding by Lightworks Photography (28)

Cambridge teepee wedding by Lightworks Photography (29)

Cambridge teepee wedding by Lightworks Photography (30)

Cambridge teepee wedding by Lightworks Photography (31)

Cambridge teepee wedding by Lightworks Photography (32)

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