Fashion Magazine

A Magic Trick to Be Beautiful

By Marilovesgr33n @marilovesgr33n


Wednesday before Christmas in the center of a Rome completely dressed up, we talked about magic.
There was the magical setting of the hotel Valadier, the atmosphere of a Christmas cocktail and the fabulous discovery that being more beautiful it is not too difficult.

It has neither to do with the myth of eternal youth, nor with the saying who wants to look nicer must suffer, but it is something thought by a woman who knows a lot about beauty Not just because she is incredibly beautiful: blonde, Russian and with a pair of sweet blue eyes, but also because the world of cosmetics is her job.

Natalia has traveled a lot for work and like any curious traveler she is looking for the deepest secrets and most fascinated insights from the Eastern Countries. It is in the unabashed and sophisticated beauty of oriental women where she took the idea on how to give a young, fresh and awake look to all women of the world. Often it is not just about age, sometimes it’s about the relentlessly rhythms that require a little help.

There is no surgery, there are no creams, ointments and potions, but simply a patch entirely removable, used in Japan by girls to make their eyes look bigger.

Who has already tried it, is no longer able to do without it. A transparent little stripe to be bonded in the crease of the eyelid to lift it without any pain or operation.

It will soon be sold in Italy at a cost of 19 euro - I say it is worth a try, and you? If you want take a look magicstripes .


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