I've been eyeing the Dose of Colors and Pretty Zombie cosmetics websites for such a long time. Finally, I cracked when DoC added a matte liquid lipstick to its range. And I got tired of waiting for PZC to restock their pink shade.

LE products of drugstore brands are not common in Canada :( :( so when I saw these LE liquid lipshines from NYC, I didnt hesitate before picking up.

Note that this is not a review. Just a swatch fest for some of the products in the haul, i.e. the ones I already opened and tried :)
From Left to Right: Revlon Moisture Stain in Shanghai Nights, Miami Fever, H&M lip gloss, NYC Guava, NYC Passion Fruit, Essence Lip gloss in My Favorite Milkshake, Essence Stay Matte Lip cream in Smooth Berry, Rimmel Apocalips in Galaxy, Joe Fresh liquid lipstick in Rouge