Fashion Magazine

A Letter to My Body Take 2

By Bethtinkerbell @TinksLostGirls

Hello Body, again!

My mind has decided that in our previous letter we didn't do you justice, and you deserve so much more. You've acted as a shield to protect the ones you love, yet you've broken bones by doing very little. I'm sure you remember the time in Reception when you broke both bones in your left wrist,  I guess it serves you right for running up a hill after you'd been told not too! That break required two trips to theater so it could be manipulated into mending corrctly. There's also the time you broke your humerus whe you fell off a horse, to be fair you did mange to fall so that our head wouldn't hit a rock. We never thanked you for that did we? Thank you, you do so much for us and we've never realised.

You always carry on when my mind doesn't want you too. Lets be honest if it was up to my mind we would have spent a large portion of today curled up crying! You always have the strength to carry on, even when my mind says no and no longer wants to be here.

My mind is so greatful for all the things that you do, so many things you do without a thank you. My mind never gives you a second glance but you do what you do, well that changes now. My mind needs to look after you more, and give you what you need, even if that means breaking a value it has held tight for over 10 years.

You've put up with so much from my mind, all the times it wanted you to lose weight, but you stood firm and said no this how I'm meant to be. You even have the strength to carry more weight if you need too. My mind hates you for the hirsutism caused by PCOS, but it isn't your fault, you didn't choose the hormone levels.  My mind forgets that the PCOS puts you under a lot of stress,  just like the IBS is beginning to do so. 

My mind wants to say thank you to you.

Tink x

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