Fashion Magazine

A Lace Skirt Without Heels

By Chineze @uhmayzinginez
Me without you is like;   a shoe without lacesa geek without bracesand a sentence without spacesbest friends, me and you----- Anonymous
Me without you citizens of My Small World is like;Fall without a lace skirtA lace skirt without heelsand heels without ankle strapsbest friends, me and you
This pink lace skirt and I have become fast friends this season, maybe because it looks a bit Christmas-y with the shine and shimmers.  I dressed it down with a plain gray tank and kept it from looking shabby by wearing my cobalt blue heels and a matching clutch; so that the look is a cross between dressed down and dressed up. Perfect from day to night.
A Lace Skirt Without Heels
A Lace Skirt Without HeelsMarian Grey shoes / unknown brand tank / Random store clutch / custom-made skirt 
A Lace Skirt Without Heels

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