Lifestyle Magazine

A Hint of Vintage — Wedding Inspiration Shoot for Brides

By Claire

I agree. A cou­ple of years back it seemed vin­tage would be a wed­ding trend like any other, but it’s most def­i­nitely here to stay and you know what? I really love the chic ele­gance of a vin­tage wed­ding theme. Which is why this inspi­ra­tion shoot is right at home on Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog. I hope you love it as much as we do!

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A hint of vin­tage! With Char­lotte Rose Designs

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Hint of vintage wedding ideas (2)

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Char­lotte also told me, “The main idea behind the shoot was to show­case a col­lec­tion of work and prod­ucts from all involved, but also to serve as ‘fin­ished piece shots’ for some DIY for Bride projects I am work­ing on.”

Char­lotte will be shar­ing her ideas for wed­ding DIY in the near future, as down­load­able, pic­ture based work­shops. There’ll be all sorts of ideas for you, from hair acces­sories and millinery to shoe clips and jew­ellery. So do keep an eye on her face­book page which is at and visit Char­lotte Rose Designs for more bridal acces­sory ideas too!

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Hint of vintage wedding ideas (10)

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