Lifestyle Magazine

A Glamorous Wedding in Hampshire

By Claire

Temple Gregory real wedding in Hampshire (40)Beckie Gre­gory — the lovely lady behind Tem­ple Gre­gory wed­ding plan­ners in Lon­don and Hamp­shire — showed me some of the pho­tos from Hay­ley and David’s wed­ding late last year — and I loved them. This is like supreme glam­our in wed­dings: the most exquis­ite, lux­u­ri­ous, beau­ti­ful every­thing you can see on a wed­ding blog.

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I jumped at the chance to fea­ture the wed­ding day on Eng­lish Wed­ding. I’ll leave you to admire the glo­ri­ous images by Elton Mogg (whose name I see time and again in the wed­ding press and top UK wed­ding blogs like Rock My Wed­ding and Love My Dress blog). Today’s beau­ti­ful bride Hay­ley has shared a wed­ding report with you… enjoy!

River­vale Barn wed­ding blog: Hay­ley and David

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It was an absolutely amaz­ing wed­ding day at River­vale Barn. The sun was shin­ing and every­thing went to plan. My lit­tle brides­maids all looked beau­ti­ful (7 of them). The 5 lit­tle ones were all in bespoke dresses from Lit­tle Bevan and the 2 older ones in dresses from Alfred Angelo.
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My wed­ding dress was by Designer Sassi Hol­ford, style is Saman­tha (made to mea­sure). I bought it in her Bou­tique store on Ful­ham Rd in London.

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My shoes were from Rachel Simp­son, I had a pretty pearl bracelet from Sassi Hol­ford and dia­mond heart shape droplet ear­rings from a lit­tle bou­tique near where I live (love these)

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(images above and below are from the Avi­a­tor Hotel where Hay­ley got ready in the morn­ing before the wedding.)

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The day came together per­fectly, it was so mag­i­cal and wish I could do it all over again. I would say 90% of my guests have told me it’s the best wed­ding they’d ever been to and still rave about it today. That makes me feel so happy.

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David’s out­fit was hired from Black Tie in Crowthorne. It was a very Dark Navy Blue tail suit with Cream Cra­vat and waist­coat. All the ush­ers were from here and they were in the same suit but with a Green cravat.

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What really stood out for me was the cer­e­mony. Although the most impor­tant bit, I thought this would be pretty bor­ing and it was amaz­ing. It was like no other wed­ding cer­e­mony really. It felt magical.

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From hav­ing the harpist and a singer in there to hav­ing my lit­tle boy run around and run up to me and hug my legs when we were say­ing our vows. He also strummed the harp at one point which made every­one laugh! It was so pretty with all the lit­tle pink flow­ers and can­dles, this is one thing I will never forget.

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I think what made it for all the guests was that we hired Art­ful Splodgers Crèche com­pany to look after all the chil­dren and that gave the adults time to relax and not worry about the kids. It was the most talked about point of the whole day.

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My advice to all future brides would be – take it ALL in. It goes so quickly. Don’t stress on the day, what will be will be and you’ll find that the tiny lit­tle things that go wrong really don’t matter.

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I was so excited to get on that dance floor in the evening and our DJ played some great song which had every­one up on the dance­floor all night. I didn’t want it to end!

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Hay­ley and David’s rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers

Tem­ple Gre­gory Wed­ding Plan­ners

I hired Beckie Gre­gory for the last cou­ple of months and wouldn’t know what I would have done with­out her. She made the last few months so easy, noth­ing was too much trou­ble. She made my day per­fect in every way!

Lovely Favours —

We used Lovely Favours for pretty much most of the wed­ding. Invites, favours, table plan, order of the day, children’s gift boxes, bird­cage for cards, con­fetti cones etc. A great supplier!

Art­ful Splodges Creche com­pany –

Absolutely amaz­ing. These girls couldn’t do enough for the chil­dren. We had them from 2pm to mid­night where they had a night time turn down ser­vice for the kids to go to sleep if they wanted from 9pm. Blan­kets, cush­ions, quite music, dvds, sto­ries read to them. It was perfect!

Kevin Fitzsim­mons – Singer dur­ing dessert and cof­fees who sang rat­pack, swing and jazz. He’s done quite a few celeb wed­dings and has been on TV lots.

John Saun­ders DJ – This guy was bril­liant. He worked with the guests, took all requests and made sure every­one had a fan­tas­tic boo­gie. He was friendly, pro­fes­sional and a great DJ. He also sup­plied up-lighting for the room in the evening. I had soft Pink!

Old Fash­ioned Ice Cream Tri­cy­cle from Oh My God, these ice creams were AMAZING! Lots of happy guests.

Florist —

Cake from – This was an AMAZING cake!

Pho­tog­ra­phy – Elton Mogg

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