Lifestyle Magazine

A Fresh Start…

By Mamakbest @mamakbest

Everythinghappensforareason For almost 4 weeks now I have continued to repeat “Everything Happens for a Reason!”  A few weeks ago it seems as if one big huge wave washed over my life and wiped it clean… and yes, it actually came in the form of a pipe bursting in the ceiling and flooding my apartment.  Since the beginning of Sprinklergate on May 16th to today, I have had my entire apartment redone (floors, ceilings, walls, paint, wall paper and more), my computer hard drive crashed (the morning it happened I received the external hard drive to back up everything and it crashed when I turned it on… yep, before I could back up anything!), my router had to be replaced, my cell phone had to be replaced all while living in a temporary apartment with all of my belongings boxed up in my apartment!    Needless to say, it has been a doozy of a month but I’ve been constantly reminding myself that everything does happen for a reason and this is an incredible chance at a fresh start!


This weekend was my 3 year anniversary of moving into my apartment and the birth of “Brooklyn Kellie”.  Haha… Everyone who knows, knows.  :)  I was able to move everything back into my apartment (amidst participating in Kass’ bachelorette party weekend!), now the real fun begins with putting the apartment back together,unpacking and reorganizing… nothing like organization being forced on you!


I THOUGHT I had done a great job earlier in the year with my spring cleaning and organization but this purge is going to be even more significant and I am actually excited about it!   In addition to the gray  and teal colors I had in my apartment, I added a new gray and beet color and a bit more of the black and white stripe wallpaper.  It looks amazing!  It will look even better when everything is in the right place!

At this point, I have to point out the importance of Renters Insurance and data back up.  Having insurance just eases the pain of dealing with catastrophes like these.  I highly recommend renters insurance to everyone!   Backing up your data saves you the headache and expense of attempting to have your data retrieved from a corrupted hard drive.  I’m still waiting to hear back about my data, fingers crossed!

From Insurance Magazine: 

Fact #1 – Inexpensive

The first fact you should know about renters insurance is that it is not expensive. Don’t listen to people when they tell you that it is too expensive or not worth it; usually for a very low monthly payment you can have everything in your apartment covered in case of theft or other emergency. Think about it, if something tragic occurred and ruined your belongings, having insurance to replace your possessions would go a long ways to making you feel better about the incident.

Sit down and add up how much your possessions are worth. Art, Electronics, Clothing, Jewelry and Furniture are typically the most expensive items owned by a renter. Add up the cost to replace these items then compare that to a 5 year quote from your insurance agent (take the monthly cost time 60 months). Is the quoted monthly fee better than the cost of repurchasing everything you own? Most often that answer will be yes as basic renters insurance can cost as little as ten  to twenty dollars per month.

Fact #2 – It’s Necessary

One of the biggest lies about renters insurance is that it is unnecessary because you are probably already covered by the apartment owner. This is absolutely incorrect; in most cases it is correct to assume that the landlord or owner has some sort of insurance but keep in mind it will almost never cover the things inside your apartment. In most cases an owner or landlords insurance will only cover the actual property and building but nothing that is actually inside the building, talk to your landlord to find out for sure if you are already covered. Obviously if or when you find out that their insurance does not cover your belongings it is time to begin searching for some renters insurance of your own to make sure you are protected.

In the past some renters without insurance have even resorted to, unsuccessfully in most cases, suing the apartment community or landlord for damages. This has resulted in numerous property owners and managers to begin requiring renters insurance to help mitigate the occurrence of expensive litigation, even when the landlord isn’t liable.

Fact #3 – It’s easy to find

It is should be simple to find good quality renters insurance coverage. Assuming you already have car insurance or some other type of insurance one quick phone call can generally add renters insurance. If you are already covered for some sort of insurance try talking to your insurance agent; you will probably find out that it really is incredibly easy to get renters insurance. If you don’t already have insurance then you should talk to numerous insurance agents and insurance agencies; find which ones will offer you the best coverage while still keeping a low enough monthly rate to stay within your budget.

Keep in mind that there are a couple different types of renters insurance so it is important to make sure you get the coverage you want or need to properly cover you and your possesions. The two types of renters insurance are; cash-value policy and replacement-cost policy.  A cash-value policy values items based on how much they have depreciated in value since their purchase date and is typically a more cost effective option for insurance coverage. Replacement-cost policies provide the amount needed to replace your belongings and does not consider depreciation over time.

Depending on the insurance company and other factors you might need additional insurance to protect you from things such as tornadoes and earthquakes or floods and you might need extra coverage for expensive jewelry, art, and home computers. Your insurance agent should be able to answer basically all of these questions for you; as for deciding on what coverage you need, that is up to you and should be based on the items you want to cover. Whatever items you feel comfortable being uninsured for are things you can skip; just remember that more coverage is better because it greatly decreases the odds of something happening and your belongings not being covered.

It feels good to be getting things in order and posting on the blog.  More details about everything else that  is going on from the clean eating support group testimonials to bridal shower tips, bacherlorette party follow up as well as a new feature that will start soon all about hair products… who is using what, when and how!

I can finally finish my DIY projects!

Happy Monday, lovelies!   Have a great day!

xoxo- Kellie

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