Lifestyle Magazine

A Deliciously Elegant Marquee Wedding at Home

By Claire

The over­all tone of their wed­ding day is coun­try­side charm with ele­gant touches. Genny’s wed­ding dress begins the day pris­tine and then meets a field… there’s plenty of laugh­ter with some adorable cheeky faces dur­ing the wed­ding cer­e­mony and recep­tion. The rain­drops make this one a beau­ti­ful Eng­lish wed­ding — the weather becomes a part of the day in these lovely images you’re about to see. Genny and Jon chose Bris­tol wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Brett Symes to pho­to­graph their mar­quee wed­ding at home — he’s fantastic.

I’ll leave you with Genny and Jon’s wed­ding report and with the images from Brett to enjoy. Have a won­der­ful morn­ing every­one! Claire x

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (2)

Genny and Jon’s mar­quee wed­ding at home

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (3)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (4)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (5)

I wore a Pronovias Gomera gown but I changed the belt to make it my own, a head piece and veil by Gillian Mil­lion. Jon wore a gray morn­ing suit with a light green tie.

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (6)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (7)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (8)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (9)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (10)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (11)

Who pro­posed, and how?

Jon pro­posed after one son! – he got down on one knee on Prim­rose Hill, Lon­don, then we had another son and he built our fam­ily home before we finally got wed!

The wed­ding venue:

At home, in our local church and we walked back to a mar­quee in our garden.

Wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher: Brett Symes!

How would you describe your wed­ding style? Laid back but hope­fully ele­gant!

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (12)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (13)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (14)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (15)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (16)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (17)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (18)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (19)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (20)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (21)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (22)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (23)

The wed­ding recep­tion was in our gar­den, in Upham, near Winchester

What were your wed­ding highlights?

  • Hav­ing our two sons as our page boys and ring bearers
  • Hav­ing the rain hold off for long enough so we couls all walk back from the church
  • The whole fam­ily relaxed but spe­cial feel of the day!

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (24)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (25)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (26)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (27)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (28)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (29)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (30)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (31)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (32)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (33)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (34)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (35)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (36)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (37)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (38)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (39)

Mar­quee wed­ding styling and details:

Large paper Chi­nese lanterns, long tables filled with flow­ers and can­dles all keep­ing to a cream and white palette. Apart from the vibrant Choc­cy­woc­cy­doo­dah cake and the mous­taches and lips on sticks favours!

Wed­ding music and entertainment:

We had an amaz­ing singer Jodie Gray in the church who sang Amaz­ing Grace whilst we signed the reg­is­ter, she def­i­nitely kept every­one in silence and in awe by the end!

Our fab­u­lous band were Fred­die & The Free­load­ers and they were even bet­ter than we expected!

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (40)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (41)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (42)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (43)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (45)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (46)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (47)

Mem­o­rable wed­ding day moments:

  • See­ing our two sons bring our wed­ding rings up to us on the ring cush­ions Jon’s mom had made
  • Walk­ing back from church with all our guests
  • Get­ting my wed­ding dress filthy traips­ing across the fields!
  • See­ing every­one we loved together

Wed­ding day advice:

  • Enjoy it, it will all come together and it will be worth all the hard work a hun­dred times over!
  • Take the time to thank the peo­ple who have helped you with the wed­ding in the morn­ing in case you don’t have the time later!

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (48)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (49)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (50)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (51)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (52)

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (53)

Genny and Jon’s rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers:

  • Green­hill mar­quees – 01962 777812 –
  • Vanilla Cater­ers were AMAZING!!!! – 01489 589275 Vanilla Gourmet Cater­ing Lim­ited, Unit E, Build­ing 9, Swan­wick Marina, Swan­wick, Southamp­ton, SO31 1ZL.
  • Fred­die & The Free­load­ers
  • Brett Symes Bris­tol wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher 07760 130044
  • Lucinda younger – amaz­ing make up artist!

marquee wedding by Brett Symes (54)

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