When I considered that total, I began thinking. Of the bags in my closet, the ones that get the most use are my leather bags in classic silhouettes. I have inexpensive bags that I've snagged from previous Target collaborations and bags that are very similar to some designer bags. I've found that I don't use the look for less bags that imitate the designers. I also favor top handle bags or totes with short handles and a detachable shoulder strap. My favorites don't have big logos and are great colors that I can wear with lots of outfits. Of the designer bags I treasure, I only paid full price for one of them (Coach tote in white patent leather). It was a big splurge at the time but it's a shape I love and a unique bag that even 10+ years after the purchase, I still use regularly.
Then I thought, why am I considering spending $110 on two low priced bags, when I really want an MAB Tote, a Pashli or a Speedy? If I just save that money, I could use it toward a bag that will last for years and that I could sell if I ever get tired of it (not likely). Many classic designer bags, if cared for well, have minimal decreases in value. Just take a look at a reputable resale site like Malleries. That can never be said for designer looks for less. Quality instead of quantity.
Clockwise from the top - 3.1 Phillip Lim Pashli Tote in Ink, Rebecca Minkoff MAB Tote in Port, Louis Vuitton Epi Speedy 35 in Black
Save I will. In the mean time, I am going to go through my bags and either donate some of them or sell them. I will clean out my closet and help some folks at the same time.