Now lets get real. Yes, I work from home a LOT. Especially when it comes to balancing my planner and responding to emails. But a real day in the life of a makeup artists consists of 6am mornings to 11pm nights with a whoooole lot of makeup slinging in between.
I've taught an advanced makeup course at a cosmetology school for a year and eight months now and I love every minute of it. My students are beyond amazing and they inspire me in ways I never thought possible. Watching them explore their creativity while pushing themselves out of their comfort zone is something I adore and absolutely admire. I love helping others in my same field grow and learn. When I'm not teaching I work part time at a cosmetic boutique in a mall, and when I'm not punching the clock there I'm booking as much freelance work as possible. I pretty much work every single day. And I lOVE it. I am willing to work a silly amount of hrs if it means it will gain me the experience I need to achieve my dreams.
My ultimate goal is to maintain my own business as a makeup artist and I would love to one day do makeup consistently for film, media, tv, and runway. I've made some amazing connections in PHX and I am so thankful for everything I've experienced since moving here almost two years ago.
Not too shabby for someone who never models eh? All these photos were shot in my condo and around my condo complex. I absolutely love living in the desert and hey, if you ever need a makeup artist I'm your gal! Check out my makeup website at SN Makeup Artist!