Hair & Beauty Magazine

A Day in My Life as a New Mom

By Yongwei318
A day in my life as a new Mom
On good days, I go to bed as early as 12.30am. When Baby See fusses, I go to bed around 2-3am at times. 
I'm thankful that I have my Mom for being such a lifesaver after I have Baby See. I don't know what I would do without her help. She said that she would retire when I have kids to help me and she actually did when I was into my 2nd trimester to take care of me as I had pregnancy complications such as bleeding and severe cramps. 
Some people have the perception that new mothers have it easy by staying home all day but little do they know what goes behind. I have heard of and read about people making snide remarks to new Moms such as 'What a nice break that she's getting for 4 months' or 'She's so free staying home all day doing nothing'. Thus, for the benefit of those whom do not know or understand what new Moms go through on a daily basis, today I'm going to share what a typical day looks like for me after Baby See turned 3 months old.


My boobs wake me up because they are full and it is time to pump again. I feel sleepy so I wash my face to make myself feel more awake instantly. After which, I put my breast pump parts and Baby See's milk bottles into the sterilizer. While waiting for the cycle to end, I make myself a cup of Manuka honey. While I'm pumping, I turn on the television to catch up on my last watched drama or documentary either on Netflix or Prime video. 


I quickly catch some sleep after washing my pump parts.


I hear Baby See moving in his cot. Sometimes he would lift his leg up in the air and let it fall. At other times, he would cry. Recently, he has been sucking and licking his fingers a lot. I get out of bed and head to the kitchen to heat up my expressed breastmilk before changing his diaper so that when I'm done changing his diaper, I can feed him immediately. 

If you do not have a bottle warmer, pour hot water into a mug and microwave it for 1 minute. Put milk bottle with expressed breastmilk in for about a minute to heat up milk.


After I'm done feeding him, I wash his milk bottle and put my breast pump parts into the sterilizer while I take a quick shower. 
After showering, I make myself a quick breakfast. Some days I would have a cup of oats with black sesame powder and chia seeds or flax seeds topped with milk. On other days, I would have two slices of bread with cheese and egg (my favorite is scrambled and egg salad). 
I usually pump while having my breakfast and keeping Baby See entertained and coax him to sleep. After he falls asleep, I quickly do some household chores like vacuuming and mopping the floor as well as laundry.


Baby See wake up for his 2nd feed of the day. Before feeding him, I put my pump parts into the sterilizer and wipe his body with water as well as change his diaper to keep him feeling fresh and clean. 
While pumping, I guide Baby See and complete the list of baby development activities assigned for the day. After he goes to sleep, I get some me-time so I read a book, watch some TikTok videos, go through my Instagram feed and do some grocery shopping online for the week. 


Baby See wakes up for his 3rd feed. I change his diapers first before feeding him. After that, I make myself a simple lunch. I usually go for one dish recipes as they are fuss-free. I have been making a lot of Japanese food like Butadon, Yakisoba, Omu rice. You can check out my Instagram highlights for more dishes that I have been whipping up lately. 
After sterilizing my pump parts, I pump while having my lunch and after that, I practice tummy time with Baby See.


I set everything that I need for Baby See's bath - face wash cloth, filling his baby bathtub with lukewarm water, setting his towel and waterproof mat on his changing table along with a new diaper, his diaper cream, body moisturizer and face moisturizer and a clean romper. 


I squeeze in a 20-minute workout to sweat it out and shower.


After feeding Baby See and putting him to bed, I put my pump parts into the sterilizer and make myself a greek yogurt parfait as a mid-day snack or have a cup of coffee while pumping.


I hear Baby See's cries and check on him. Turns out that he pooed so I change his diaper. After that, I read to him and he falls asleep. 


I make a quick dinner and have it while Baby See is sleeping before folding the laundry.


Baby See is up again for his feed. After changing his diaper, I put my pump parts into the sterilizer and feed him before pumping. After pumping, I read to Baby See. He has been squealing in delight a lot recently whenever I read to him. Shortly after, he dozed off. 


I wake Baby See and wipe his body with water to cool his body, change him into his footie onesie and give him a change of diaper to prepare him for bedtime. 


It is time for Baby See's last feed before his bedtime. Before feeding him, I put my pump parts into the sterilizer. After feeding him, I pump and start putting him to bed. 


Baby See finally falls asleep. I quickly sterilize my pump parts and pump before getting some sleep. 
I think for first-time moms, it is good to join a support group for new mothers. I joined one when I was pregnant and I learnt so much from the second-time moms and third time moms in the group.
To all new Moms, it may not be easy adapting to your new life and juggling a newborn. There may be times when you will doubt yourself as to whether you are doing it correctly or giving your baby the best. Always remember that you're awesome and do not be afraid to ask for help be it from your husband or family when you need a helping hand. You will get through it and soon you will find yourself getting the hang of it. 
I hope you found this post useful! As always, you can reach out to me by emailing me or sending me a DM via my Instagram.
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