Lifestyle Magazine

A Crazy Beautiful Purple Dress for a Wentbridge House UK Wedding

By Claire

Rhi­an­non and Chris’s wed­ding is out of this world. They’re a great cou­ple and a per­fect match. As a bride and groom they look incred­i­ble, and Rhi­an­non in her bespoke, pur­ple, lay­ered, gothic-inspired wed­ding dress is breath­tak­ingly beautiful.

I won’t spoil this wed­ding blog with too many words in the intro­duc­tion. Just — enjoy. The images are by HBA Pho­tog­ra­phy, and Rhi­an­non and Chris have writ­ten a wed­ding report for you which I’ve popped at the end of the fea­ture. Claire x

Photo credit UK wedding HBA Photography (11)

I loved read­ing Rhiannon’s favorite mem­ory of the wed­ding day:

“I’ll never for­get the doors to the room open­ing and my lovely song play­ing, every­one smil­ing and me grin­ning like an idiot with Chris wait­ing for me at the end of the aisle. It was perfect”

Photo credit UK wedding HBA Photography (2)

Rhi­an­non and Chris: a Went­bridge House UK wedding

Photo credit UK wedding HBA Photography (3)

Photo credit UK wedding HBA Photography (4)

Photo credit UK wedding HBA Photography (5)

Photo credit UK wedding HBA Photography (6)

Photo credit UK wedding HBA Photography (7)

Photo credit UK wedding HBA Photography (8)

Photo credit UK wedding HBA Photography (9)

Photo credit UK wedding HBA Photography (10)

Photo credit UK wedding HBA Photography (12)

Photo credit UK wedding HBA Photography (13)

Photo credit UK wedding HBA Photography (14)

Photo credit UK wedding HBA Photography (15)

Photo credit UK wedding HBA Photography (16)

Photo credit UK wedding HBA Photography (17)

Photo credit UK wedding HBA Photography (18)

Photo credit UK wedding HBA Photography (19)

Photo credit UK wedding HBA Photography (20)

Photo credit UK wedding HBA Photography (21)

The bride and groom: Rhi­an­non and Chris­t­ian Sheppard

Wed­ding venue: Went­bridge House Hotel

Wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher: HBA Photography

How would you describe your wed­ding style?

Indi­vid­ual, cre­ative, unique (lots of hand­made details spe­cific to us), a bit gothic-y

We wanted to keep the wed­ding cer­e­mony short and sweet but it was lovely, I was so happy that look­ing back on it now, it’s a bit of a blur!

We had Soul­mates by Emily Matthews as a read­ing – My sis­ter read this as I thought it per­fectly described what Chris and I had been to each other for years.

Tell us a lit­tle about your wed­ding venue styling and details:

We wanted a lot of pur­ple and black and sil­ver as we loved those colours but also lots of lit­tle details to make it our own. I love mak­ing stuff and so does my best friend so we went a bit crazy and made most of the dec­o­ra­tions (I had fish­bowls, orchids, rib­bon balls and tiny jars stacked in my liv­ing room for months before the wedding).

We also had a few octopi scat­tered around the place which had been hand­made in our colours by some lovely peo­ple in Amer­ica (I love octopi). There were a few Alice in Won­der­land details that I sneaked in as well.

The flow­ers were made by my florist friend and they were absolutely won­der­ful, they matched every­thing per­fectly.

Photo credit UK wedding HBA Photography (22)

Photo credit UK wedding HBA Photography (23)

Photo credit UK wedding HBA Photography (24)

Photo credit UK wedding HBA Photography (25)

Photo credit UK wedding HBA Photography (26)

Photo credit UK wedding HBA Photography (27)

Photo credit UK wedding HBA Photography (28)

Photo credit UK wedding HBA Photography (29)

Photo credit UK wedding HBA Photography (30)

Photo credit UK wedding HBA Photography (31)

Photo credit UK wedding HBA Photography (32)

Photo credit UK wedding HBA Photography (33)

Photo credit UK wedding HBA Photography (34)

The wed­ding invi­ta­tions and recep­tion stationery:

My best friend (and brides­maid) made the invi­ta­tions as part of her gift to us, she is amaz­ing at card craft and she did a won­der­ful job with them, we got so many com­pli­ments say­ing how beau­ti­ful they were.

Each one had a big pur­ple satin rib­bon tied in a bow with a lit­tle mush­room charm hang­ing off them. The table cards, table plan and pro­grams were a joint effort between Chris and I, my mom and my brides­maids and they all turned out fabulous

Wed­ding music and entertainment:

Music is very impor­tant to both of us and it was a mas­sive effort to find songs that were both mean­ing­ful to us but also suit­able for a wed­ding as we are both fans of Metal and Rock music.

Choos­ing songs was prob­a­bly one of the hard­est things about the wed­ding but we man­aged it in the end with a lot of instru­men­tals! The song I walked into was from Star Wars (Across the Stars) — the first time I ever heard it, I knew I wanted it in my wed­ding. Chris was wor­ried that peo­ple would think we were Star Wars nerds but only a hand­ful of peo­ple recog­nised it so that was okay!

What did you wear?

(Rhi­an­non) I wore a cus­tom made dress that I bought online from Amer­ica about a year before the wed­ding. I wanted some­thing a lit­tle dif­fer­ent and it took ages to find some­thing but I fell in love with it straight away.

I felt like a princess wear­ing it (not your typ­i­cal princess though). My new Mother in Law made my pur­ple veil to match my wrap and the Brides­maids’ dresses, it was absolutely beau­ti­ful. The shoes I loved as any­thing glit­tery is good in my book and I was able to match my brides­maids as well.

Chris wore a lovely black bro­cade jacket with sil­ver and pur­ple acces­sories; we didn’t want him to look all nor­mal and bor­ing either. We all matched beau­ti­fully which was great.

Mem­o­rable wed­ding day moments:

I’ll never for­get the doors to the room open­ing and my lovely song play­ing, every­one smil­ing and me grin­ning like an idiot with Chris wait­ing for me at the end of the aisle. It was per­fect and I didn’t trip over which was a big fear. I’ll never for­get my sister’s speech either, it was heart­felt and made me cry a lit­tle (the only actual tears of the day).

Wed­ding day advice:

I tried to plan for every­thing and still things got out of my hands on the day and I got a bit pan­icky so I would say to relax and accept that things are going to go wrong on the day.

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers:

But­ter­flies and Angels – They were awe­some to us, very encour­ag­ing of our (slightly odd) design, so nice about every­thing and the cake was deli­cious, every­one loved it.

HBA Pho­tog­ra­phy – Really amaz­ing peo­ple, they made us feel very relaxed even though both of us hate hav­ing our pho­tographs taken with a pas­sion, they were never intru­sive, always just hap­pily snap­ping away in the back­ground, plus Han­nah helped in a moment of panic to find my sis­ters shoes which had wan­dered away, very help­ful! The pic­tures came out lovely as well; I can’t wait to look back on them in a few years time ?

Wed­ding Daze – Such a lovely lady, she sorted out the venue (along with the amaz­ing Went­bridge Wed­ding Co-ordinator Tony) so I had noth­ing to worry over and it looked beau­ti­ful when she was done.

A crazy beautiful purple dress for a Wentbridge House UK wedding

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