Society Magazine

A Congolese, Hutu Orphans and FDLR

Posted on the 24 June 2013 by Therisingcontinent @Ambrosenz

The video you are about to watch was posted online a few weeks ago. Initially the language through which the information was only communicated was Kinyarwanda. The clip did not have English subtitles

A Congolese who has become the keeper of Hutu orphans in DRC forests. Can the Rwandan president Paul Kagame ever learn from the humanity of a person like him?

A Congolese who has become the keeper of Hutu orphans in the DRC forests. Can the Rwandan president Paul Kagame ever learn from the humanity of a person like him?

It invites to learn more about the impossible conditions of Hutu survivors who still live in Congo.

To watch, please click here.

The information one gets watching the video provides insights that have rarely come out the Congolese forests since 1994.

You can watch young girls in their teens some born in Congo and some not knowing when they got there because they were too young to know what was happening when their parents crossed into the then Zaire, struggling with reading because they haven’t had any chance of accessing education. Unfortunately as one will guess watching the video this is not the only right they have been deprived of.

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