Lifestyle Magazine

A Cheshire Wedding Film — with a Vintage Police Car!

By Claire

Zoe and Mark from Unfor­get­table Mem­o­ries on Vimeo.

I’m shar­ing this wed­ding in two blog fea­tures, this morn­ing and tomor­row (there’s some­thing VERY spe­cial and excit­ing on the way this after­noon at 4pm in between!) — the wed­ding film is sim­ply amaz­ing, and I’ve shared a lit­tle of Zoe’s wed­ding report with you here. My huge thanks to Jonny Draper Pho­tog­ra­phy for shar­ing the lovely images of the day with us all today.

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Tomor­row, more images and the full wed­ding story from Zoe — watch out for that vin­tage police car, fits of gig­gles dur­ing the cer­e­mony and some beau­ti­ful details in a gor­geous blue theme tomor­row morning.

A Cheshire Wed­ding — Zoe and Mark at Styal Lodge

Mark and I had the most incred­i­ble wed­ding – things could not have gone more to plan and we loved every sin­gle sec­ond of it. It rained every day before the wed­ding and the day after but on the day itself there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. All our guests have com­mented on what a fab­u­lous day it was and every­body seemed to gen­uinely enjoy them­selves and have fun which was one of the most impor­tant things for us.

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We chose Jonny Draper to do the pho­tog­ra­phy and Craig at Unfor­get­table Mem­o­ries as the video­g­ra­pher and both were out­stand­ing and we couldn’t rec­om­mend them more highly. We were unsure about book­ing a video­g­ra­pher at first but I’m so glad we did as the day goes so fast your head is in a spin and it all seems a bit of a blur! There are also bits you don’t get to see, such as the guests arriv­ing so it’s nice to sit and watch the film after­wards and see all those lit­tle things you wouldn’t oth­er­wise have been able to.

Craig even dashed off from film­ing me and the brides­maids, to see Mark at the hotel to give him his wed­ding present from me – an Omega watch that he had wanted for years. He filmed him open­ing it which was great as although I wasn’t there I still got to see his reaction.

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Although we had a healthy bud­get we also had a large guest list with 125 guests dur­ing the day and an extra 60 for the evening. This meant that a lot of our bud­get went on food and drink which we were more than happy to do as the most impor­tant thing for us was hav­ing all our friends and fam­ily there.

When we chose our wed­ding cars we picked a 1960s Jaguar for my dad and I and a Daim­ler for the brides­maids. It was only after choos­ing the Jaguar that we found out it was actu­ally an old police car which was very fit­ting see­ing as we are both police offi­cers! When we told Andrea from Grand Car­riages she informed us she could dress the car up as a police car. So it took my dad and I to the cer­e­mony with the royal blue and ivory rib­bon but after the cer­e­mony we came out to the car where it now had a blue flash­ing light on the top, black and white checked rib­bon and POLICE on the side in large let­ters – it was such a lovely touch and made some great pho­tographs. We also went for a short drive in it together after the cer­e­mony. We wanted to make sure we had a bit of time on our own so this was a lovely way to do it and reflect on the day so far.

I loved plan­ning our wed­ding and met so many lovely peo­ple; if I could I would become a wed­ding plan­ner, its such a fab­u­lous and excit­ing time!”

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