Lifestyle Magazine

A Cheerful One Photo Friday | UK Wedding Blog

By Millerweddings @phoebewedding

A Cheerful One Photo Friday | UK Wedding Blog

Something colourful for another cold and gray day. View more of this wedding here. By Ella Bella. Of course it's American. 

I wasn't sure how yesterdays post was going to go down. I wouldn't say I was a controversial tweeter/blogger although a few people have referred to me as it. I think I am just honest, frank and perhaps bloody minded. Your comments thankfully, more or less agreed. I wonder if the people we have all unfollowed have been the same? If you feel like telling me then do. 

On a side note from twitter. If you have an iphone, download Tweetbot. It is wonderful. And far superior than Twitter. 

I am not getting used to leaving the house at 8am to walk the dog. I long for it to be warm. I have never longed for it to be warm in my life. I like the cold. But I do not enjoy -2C and slipping pavement walking. I also see quite a lot of people, and all I have done is pulled my hair into a mini birds-nest and put on which ever of Millers jackets is closest. Probably should make more of an effort so my neighbours don't think I am a tramp. 

A Cheerful One Photo Friday | UK Wedding Blog


A Cheerful One Photo Friday | UK Wedding Blog


Too much? I thought not. Have you bought a valentines day card yet? If not, have a peruse through I Am Nat's cards - they are funny. I of course have bought the one that Not On The High Street deemed too rude for their customers. It's now selling on the valentines black market. If you'd like to know which, just ask. There are eyes here. 

Have a lovely Friday. 

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