Skin whitening attempts were common in some societies of hundreds, even thousands of years. It is controversial because the idea of people in society to be classified based on the color of their skin. Here are the pros and cons of the practice.

In recent years, a person was someone of low social status, as he worked in the fields with an overall tan. there are not too many years, women have realized that causes wrinkles in the sun. They enjoyed their white cream base and carry umbrellas or wearing hats to protect them.
Geisha are known white makeup powder used rice. Originally used creams would actually reduce the amount of melanin in the skin, which causes the air even whiter.
Nowadays, most people have to select in which they work. While many people who work in office buildings, take a little in the way of your business. Those who are connected to their office, often enjoy leisure activities outdoors are good for health in many ways.Actually not caused in the sun folding, is the damage caused by free radicals by exposure to UV rays. Some of the best skin lightening compounds today and can work to repair damage from free radicals.
Although we have many compounds for screening the sun, research shows that using a hat or carry an umbrella (parasols), would actually be a good idea. Clothing of all kinds to protect against UV rays. Sunscreens are not to protect against sun, guaranteed burns.
Originally used by Geisha creams contain lead. Someone finally realized that their health problems lead had to do in creams. Thus, the composition was changed. The use of certain types of bird droppings was not unusual, even unpleasant decisions, but is not as dangerous.
Most modern whitening creams skin contain an ingredient called hydroquinone. Its use has been banned by the European Union in 2002, due to a perceived risk of cancer. Other risks include permanent hyperpigmentation. Sometimes it works the opposite way was adopted.
In recent years, people wanted to lighten his complexion and even out because the dark spots looking older. Points can not be dangerous, but are defects with injuries due to UV radiation and cellular aging associated.
You can, in some areas of controversy because of the perception of the social situation yet. But skin lightening is now mainly used as an anti-aging treatment. Fortunately, safe and effective compounds have been developed in recent years.
wakame seaweed extracts, nanoparticles coenzyme Q10, keratin and functional extracts Cyperusrotundus between the active ingredients. One that has the greatest reduction in pigmentation, is nut grass extract. The plant has many common names, since it is present in almost every country in the world. Inhibits melanin (the pigment responsible for skin tone) strong output.
In the proper concentration, they can provide a significant skin lightening weeks. Before and after pictures can easily prove this statement. You can see the look is younger, too.
How Can We Build Enchantment Into Our LivesI remember when I was a child, how much I loved my grandmother Rose Silverman. Not only are the functional products in plastic, terracotta and sofas, he had the most families, when it grew up. All furniture and things in his apartment "living" with romance, magic and beauty.
For example, it was not the image of a beautiful woman in her room. In fact, it was a "bust". This meant shoulders, some on him, and of course the head were carved in ivory. She was so beautiful, with perfect features and a tender smile. Always resting on a black marble column, brightly colored stripes had for them. He loved her and wanted her to be mine! I asked my grandmother: "Please, can I have this statue one day?"
I promised, but I remembered why he was white on black, which initially had two statues. Over the years, all had fallen. The base of a broken and the head of the other, so be careful and always take care that children do not fall near the statue. You can be injured or broken. Even with the warning, he wanted it. I promised I would be careful.
The furniture also had such presence. The Chairman of the lobby was carved dark mahogany. It was big and bright and very heavy. He felt as if he felt not only a place to rest. Perhaps people sat in fascinating; Perhaps the amazing women in long white robes holding umbrellas, parasols too.
Similarly, the odor buffet cabinet was full - various liqueurs and chocolates, strange and attractive odors would be for many years. It was a real presence. After all, there was a garden of aromas inside as pungent and real as the outer flowers.
All I had was so intense. She had glass plates beautiful colors of green and blue. She had covered it had Perlmuttgriffe. Real linen tablecloths had. Even he had a whole book of knowledge, full of endless stories, poems and remotest answers to my questions.
Yes, his house was to me, means a command to the beauty, fantasy and knowledge. It was Feng Shui before it was something in our country.
That was then and this is now. I am pleased to announce that Ms. statue in the living room of my house is as proud as ever. I fake flowers in front to make it difficult to get close to it! Heretofore, there have been no accidents. The buffet is a resident also, now to keep our small amount of alcohol. Covered used here only on special occasions. Color plates and sheets are gone, but the knowledge of the books are right behind me in the computer room.
My grandmother helped me find beauty and work with them permanently be at home. She helped me feel good to do beautiful things together and live with them every day. In addition, the chair is supplied, the chair of my patients in my office. So, in fact, he has heard many stories, and keeps all her secrets!
"If you are as happy as some elements to fall in love with them that over time the family went down, take some time to think, to look and appreciate again."
Whether or not you have real elements, collect your family and share stories about the past and make sure you are in your history are descriptions of how things were, the atmosphere, the actual "form" of the period. Is your memories alive in your listeners, it may be better not more vivid and wonderful for you.