Gardening Magazine

A Brand New Vegetable Plot

By Chooksandroots @chooksandroots

A while back we dismantled the trampoline as it wasn’t being used any more, and gave it away to some friends who would get much more enjoyment out of it.

First job was to get rid of the bits that didn’t burn – the brown bin men are going to LOVE me this week!

A brand new vegetable plot

Clearing the patch

At the back of the patch was a ridge of clay which we dumped there when we dug out the pond. I had two options – either turn this into a rockery of some kind, or break it up. I decided on the latter, and merrily set to work chopping up the clay and spreading it out. I came across some massive roots from the tree that we used to have, so OH nipped out for a mighty axe, and they were soon history.

Finally I could get my rotovator out and have a whiz round with it.

A brand new vegetable plot

An action shot

I discovered ‘aerobics for chickens’ too.  Any worms I came across got thrown onto the mesh roof of the run.  All three stood underneath it, and jumped up in a Ninja-type manner, trying to reach it. Eventually the worm dropped through the holes, and one lucky chicken would pick it up and scarper before the others could catch it.

Anyway,  a quick rake over and another couple of laps with the rotavator, and it was all looking rather good.

A brand new vegetable plot

I then planted up a load of brassicas I’d started off in the greenhouse earlier in the year. We now have brussels, cauliflowers, and three types of cabbages growing in there.

My family are all cock-a-hoop…. they thought they’d seen the last of cabbage…

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