Fitness Magazine

A Better Day Today

By Sbc12 @strongbychoice


Today was a better day than my little pity party.  I realize that I need to journal my thoughts everyday as I climb from the mush, slime, and goo of laziness into the dry fertile land of fitness.  I feel like I let a lot of you down.  You looked to me for guidance, advice, and inspiration with being the leader of The Strong Nation and all.

I sincerely apologize for not being there for you.  I burned out.  I lost my drive.  I became disillusioned with the whole fitness lifestyle.  At times, I look at the pictures of those on Twitter and Facebook and think to myself, “Is this really worth it?”  All fitties want to talk about is working out, working out, working out.  I was getting tired of being the one to beat the drum, call the warriors to battle, and then pretend to be this mighty guru who oversees the kingdom of fitness.

I type these things because I see that the fitness world is missing honesty and integrity.  For people to become less self-obsessed with how good they look in the mirror and more on what health really is.  Just because someone looks like a Greek statue of fitness, the outside doesn’t tell the inside (e.g. insecurities).

As I rethink this concept of fitness, you are invited to join me as I peel off the layers to discover who I really am, what is truly fitness, and to get away from the chest-beating drivel you find on Twitter.

I am going to be real.

I no longer want to hope to be fit. I need to make decisions that stick and last while not losing my integrity to become a stronger version of me.

What about you? Are you struggling with fitness and staying in shape right now?

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