Why I here you ask? The reason being my back has gone and I'm not exactly certain as to why. I didn't do anything to warrant this level of pain; there was no heavy lifting present or twisting and turning in directions not favourable to my spine. The only thing I did was to have a short wander around town last Sunday to grab a card for my Mum's birthday. By the time I arrived at my parents house I was doubled up in pain and seeking painkillers. Unfortunately for me, the pain doesn't seem to be getting any better either, in fact it seems to be getting worse. So I am resigned to hobbling around my flat like a geriatric for the foreseeable future until my back decides to right itself. Oh the joy!!

I have been at bit MIA on the blogging front lately largely due to feeling a little uninspired; not solely with blogging but with life in general. I know a few of my fellow bloggers have been having a bit of an issue with being inspired too, so maybe there is something in the air??!!
It's not that I am short of ideas for things either, it's more than that. I have hundreds of ideas in my head. More often than not they come to me when I am nowhere near a pen and paper, phone or computer. Like the most inopportune moments such as when I'm in the shower or when I'm in bed just about to fall asleep, but they are there notheless so lack of ideas aren't the obstacle.
It's more a problem with motivation and application, that I am currently suffering from. With regard to my blog I keep starting posts and then never finishing them because I have either gotten bored or something else (usually social media has drawn my attention and I waste a couple of hours doing nothing). I currently have 10 half written posts sat in my drafts that I just can't seem to complete. Does anyone else suffer from this "start-but-never-finish" syndrome??
So I've been looking everywhere to find some form of inspiration and the kick-up-the-ass that I require in my life. Turns out that Pinterest (you know how much I love that site) and a bad back is all I needed. Daydreaming about far flung places, craft ideas, interesting photography and thought- provoking words of wisdom got me thinking to the point where my Evernote program was screaming "Slow down, I can't work that fast!!"
It is true that a picture can say a thousand words but sometimes words are necessary too. I found myself searching for quotes and sayings that offered inspiration for everything from daily living, wisdom for coping with life's problems and motivation for pursuing one's dreams. In the end I dedicated a whole bored to these "Words of Inspiration" that I can refer to every time I need to look at things in a different way. Here are a few of my favorite and inspiring statements I found, they really did help me thing about things in a whole new light.
Source: Uploaded by user via Claire on Pinterest
Source: lovecreativerooms.blogspot.com via Claire on Pinterest
Source: Uploaded by user via Claire on Pinterest
Source: tuliplouise.blogspot.com via Claire on Pinterest
Source: nivramichee.tumblr.com via Claire on Pinterest
Hope these inspiring quotes work for you guys too!!
When you are need of a little inspiring pick-me-up where do you look for inspiration??

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