Family Magazine

#75/365 - 3 Day Potty Training Boot Camp: Day 2

By Suvenchow
Wokay......... So here's Day 2, and again it's been.............................. unsuccessful.
We had a great start to the day, with Little Miss NAPB peeing into the toilet bowl upon waking up. The expression on her face when she was peeing, was PRICELESS. She looked so shocked (and stared at me with really really wide eyes) that she stood up crying and wanting to hold on to me. I didn't know how to react so I reassured her it was okay and that she was just pee-pee-ing.
After that, there were two more accidents, which again, mommy didn't get to catch them fully before we got to the toilet bowl. And by the second accident, I broke down in front of her while rushing her onto the toilet bowl, because she was screaming and refusing the sit on it. I've been wiping pee off the floor continuously for two days, and I didn't understand why she cried every time she's placed on the toilet bowl, every failed accident just came rushing through my head and I just lost it. I think baby girl was a little stunned from my breakdown as well, so she cried even more. Mommy felt so bad and said "sorry" to her while giving her lots of cuddles. Poor baby was hiccuping from her crying ordeal and fell asleep shortly after that.
Sigh... Toilet training really isn't easy, but I'm determined to see it through the whole of three days. If it doesn't work out, then I'm just going to go with the flow and wait till she's ready, even if that means when she's 3. Screw whoever who tells me otherwise. Just you try being at home alone with a screaming toddler, no help, and having to wipe pee off the floor every hour or so (and at the same time having to prepare three meals a day).
And since we're on the topic, there's something I really want to bring up, something that's been eating my mind for a day now. Lora's method states that we were suppose to scoop the child up in the middle of their "business" and put them on the potty/ toilet bowl so they could finish off there. The thing that really bothered me about this is that, by the time I got baby girl onto the potty, there would be no pee-pee left, not even a single drop. With the amount on the floor, I'm guessing she was only half way done, and she must be holding it (from fear or panic) from the moment I picked her up. Isn't that unhealthy? I know she can hold her pee, because she can actually go about 3 hours without doing a pee, despite numerous times of asking and putting her onto the toilet bowl. Wouldn't this increases the chances of UTI, since she'd pee and hold it half way and not go again after an hour or so? Hmm...
Verdict for Day 2: mission failed AGAIN.
But on a more positive note (for #75/365), at least Little Miss thoroughly enjoyed the Low Sugar Banana Muffins mommy baked for her. Yay! <3

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