Lifestyle Magazine

70 Ideas for Your Summer Wedding Table Names

By Claire

I’ve said it before, but com­ing up with names for tables at your wed­ding can be hard.  Some­times inspi­ra­tion just will not strike.  I make and design bespoke wed­ding sta­tionery at Artemis Sta­tionery and the strug­gle to come up with decent table names is some­thing I see a lot.

You like the idea of place names but you’ve been to wed­dings already where your friends and fam­i­lies have already used their hol­i­day loca­tions.  Nam­ing them after sweets has been done or maybe nei­ther of you have a sweet tooth.  Some peo­ple go for loca­tions impor­tant to them but they might not sound that good or have enough that deserve a mention.

So what to do?  Give up and resort to num­bers!?  No need, well at least in this arti­cle we’ll look at some wed­ding table name ideas that will hope­fully either suit your occa­sion or at least give you more ideas.

Let’s pre­tend it’s nice sum­mery weather and take a look at some ideas that will fit with a sum­mer wed­ding.  (Just remem­ber if you are get­ting mar­ried in the in ‘sum­mer’ you’ll prob­a­bly need to have wellies and umbrel­las on stand by as much as sun block and shades.)

70 Sum­mer Wed­ding Table Names & Ideas

I thought it would make sense to take a broad look at 9 dif­fer­ent themes.  I’ve kept the lists to 10 so as not get too long.  But you can fol­low the links for more ideas on my wed­ding sta­tionery blog where longer ver­sions can be found.


Our first three ideas are beach based, beaches and the coast being a clas­sic sum­mer pas­time.  So why not think about beaches either from the UK or the world.  Then of course there is always things you see or take to the beach. If you’re actu­ally going with a bit of a beach theme this could all tie together nicely!

UK Beaches

  1. Camus­darach Beach
  2. Hengist­bury Head
  3. Longsands Beach
  4. Lusken­tyre
  5. Nairn Beach
  6. Porth­min­ster Beach
  7. Rhos­sili Bay
  8. St. Brelade’s Bay Beach
  9. Wey­mouth Beach
  10. Woola­combe Beach


  1. Baia do San­cho, Fer­nando de Noronha, Brazil
  2. Bondi Beach
  3. Bora Bora, Tahiti
  4. Horse­shoe Bay Beach, Bermuda
  5. Ka’anapali Beach, Lahaina, Hawaii
  6. Miami Beach
  7. Playa de las Cat­e­drales, Rib­adeo, Spain
  8. Playa Fla­menco, Cule­bra, Puerto Rico
  9. Rab­bit Beach, Lampe­dusa, Islands of Sicily
  10. Venice Beach, California

Beach Items

  1. Deck Chairs
  2. Bucket and Spade
  3. Towel
  4. Sun block
  5. Pic­nic
  6. Flip flops
  7. Sand Dol­lars (not UK)
  8. Crabs
  9. Fish­ing Boats
  10. Life Boat

Click here for more beach table name ideas  and here for more beach items ideas.

Sum­mer Food

Of course one of the big things about the sum­mer is the food, as all that great weather means you’re eat­ing out­side and enjoy­ing all the fruit and veg which grow in the sum­mer sun!

Sum­mer Fruit

  1. Straw­berry
  2. Water­melon
  3. Grape
  4. Black­berry
  5. Rasp­berry
  6. Blue­berry
  7. Peach
  8. Apri­cot
  9. Plum
  10. Fig (fresh)

You can see more ideas for sum­mer food table names on the full arti­cle here

Gen­eral Summeriness

The final three ideas cover some sum­mer clas­sic activ­i­ties, sum­mer flow­ers and one of my favourites: sum­mer drinks and cocktails.


  1. Poppy
  2. But­ter­cup
  3. Baby’s Breath
  4. Chrysan­the­mum
  5. Dahlia
  6. Fox­gloves
  7. Jas­mine
  8. Laven­der
  9. Peony
  10. Sun­flow­ers


  1. BBQ
  2. Ten­nis
  3. Beach
  4. Sea­side
  5. Swing­ball
  6. Fris­bee
  7. Gar­den­ing
  8. Cricket
  9. Sun­bathing
  10. Surf­ing

Cock­tails and Drinks

  1. Mag­n­ers
  2. Kop­per­berg
  3. Thatcher’s
  4. Pimms
  5. Mojito
  6. Long Island Iced Tea
  7. Cola Float
  8. San­gria
  9. Pina Colada
  10. Caipir­inha

You can see more exam­ples of these ideas on my own blog wed­ding sta­tionery blog

Of course I do make sta­tionery and have a fine selec­tion per­fect for sum­mer which you can see at  Here’s an exam­ple of a table name from the Modeno col­lec­tion that tries to cap­ture the fun and vibrancy of sum­mer.  If you’re won­der­ing why it has a num­ber on I was try­ing to be a bit cun­ning – mag­a­zines often asked for sum­mer table num­bers and some­times table names (no num­bers).  So did a sam­ple I could sub­mit to both based on a color scheme from a real order.

Summer Table Name from Modeno Collection

Sum­mer Table Name from Modeno Collection

Finally a bit of a pre­view of some­thing I’m work­ing on in between orders and all my other work at the moment.

Beach design close up

Beach design close up

If you like the look of these why not visit the wed­ding sta­tionery web­site and con­tact me today.

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